OfficeAlly offers billing services as an X-12 partner. I’d like to know if anyone in the community is currently using them? I found an old post ( ) which is a few years old… I only have a sample EDI 835 file which I cannot import but that’s likely because it is a “sample” and does not match any encounter dates, provider IDs etc. in the current db. I just wanted to check if this functionality (importing EOBs from OfficeAlly) worked and if exporting worked as well or needed editing?
So I should be good if I update library/edihistory/csv_record_include.php to recognize 835’s (as per the post linked-to above)… the export from Billing works… right?
Only fly in the ointment is if you are a BC/BS provider in FL. and in that
case you will need a special code mod due to BC/BS FL’s insistence on
having your TIN in the wrong field (wrong meaning not in compliance with
the X12 standard) obtw, An aside for FGSL - nothing quirky about Availity
that we can see. It works just fine for us.[?]
Quirkiness, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. I vividly remember the Availity threads & recall several groans. If you are pleased as Punch with Availity, nothing else matters.
Got it. Thanks guys. For reference, by “exporting”, I meant exporting files from OpenEMR to OfficeAlly… and then “Importing” the EOBs back from OfficeAlly into OpenEMR. But I think I got it. Thanks all!