Anyone using OfficeAlly for billing?

elandau1260 wrote on Tuesday, October 28, 2014:

OfficeAlly offers billing services as an X-12 partner. I’d like to know if anyone in the community is currently using them? I found an old post ( ) which is a few years old… I only have a sample EDI 835 file which I cannot import but that’s likely because it is a “sample” and does not match any encounter dates, provider IDs etc. in the current db. I just wanted to check if this functionality (importing EOBs from OfficeAlly) worked and if exporting worked as well or needed editing?


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, October 28, 2014:

CVerk & Hui Zhu have used it longer than I. I’ve used it for 2 years. The consensus is that the experience is good.

Click the Help link, upper right hand corner of EOBs, regarding 835P how-to.

David Martell got it working with some assistance from ZH; but they use Availity, which seems quirky.

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, October 28, 2014:

see this thread as you either have to change the suffix of the 835 from .835 to -835 or change the code

elandau1260 wrote on Tuesday, October 28, 2014:

So I should be good if I update library/edihistory/csv_record_include.php to recognize 835’s (as per the post linked-to above)… the export from Billing works… right?


cmswest wrote on Wednesday, October 29, 2014:

the edit noted above is for viewing 835s

openemr can post 835s (what you call importing) from office ally currently so no change needed for that

i’m not sure what you mean by exporting

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, October 29, 2014:

Stephen, I think Ed is referring to the upload of 837P’s to Office Ally.

If that’s the question, upload is straightforward for most claims. Claim submission is independent of the Electronic Remittance Advice (835P).

We upload 837P’s, but did not sign up for 835P’s because we prefer to post manually.

hitechelp wrote on Wednesday, October 29, 2014:

Only fly in the ointment is if you are a BC/BS provider in FL. and in that
case you will need a special code mod due to BC/BS FL’s insistence on
having your TIN in the wrong field (wrong meaning not in compliance with
the X12 standard) obtw, An aside for FGSL - nothing quirky about Availity
that we can see. It works just fine for us.[?]

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 12:55 PM, fsgl wrote:

Stephen, I think Ed is referring to the upload of 837P’s to Office Ally.

If that’s the question, upload is straightforward for most claims. Claim
submission is independent of the Electronic Remittance Advice (835P).

We upload 837P’s, but did not sign up for 835P’s because we prefer to post

Anyone using OfficeAlly for billing?

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fsgl wrote on Wednesday, October 29, 2014:

Quirkiness, like beauty, is in the eyes of the beholder. I vividly remember the Availity threads & recall several groans. If you are pleased as Punch with Availity, nothing else matters.

elandau1260 wrote on Thursday, October 30, 2014:

Got it. Thanks guys. For reference, by “exporting”, I meant exporting files from OpenEMR to OfficeAlly… and then “Importing” the EOBs back from OfficeAlly into OpenEMR. But I think I got it. Thanks all!
