Anyone using Google Chrome with OpenEMR?

mike-h30 wrote on Tuesday, June 02, 2009:

I am testing Chrome on a XP virtual machine and really like how fast the PDF Documents load for viewing in a patient chart.   Have others experimented with Chrome?  I can’t wait for the Linux version to be available.


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, June 02, 2009:

While testing for openemr 3.0, tested successfully with IE6/7, Firefox3, Safari3, Opera9, Google Chrome. But haven’t used them in “real” use.

mike-h30 wrote on Tuesday, June 02, 2009:

I take back my praise.  While Chrome is great for viewing content, it is terrible at submitting custom form data and printing data from custom forms to PDF from within OpenEMR.  It became slow and unresponsive.  So for now FireFox still works the best.  I am looking forward to Fire Fox 3.5.


ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, June 02, 2009:

Mike et al;

Just a caution, based on hard experience; keep aware that the fact that something worked yesterday on another version does NOT mean the "New, Improved" actually IS. :wink:

To quote Ronnie Raygun "Trust but verify - on a TEST server first" :wink:

Joe Holzer    Idea Man

mike-h30 wrote on Tuesday, June 02, 2009:

Agreed.  I miss Fire Fox 2.0!

markleeds wrote on Wednesday, June 03, 2009:

Miss it?  I am still using it!

mike-h30 wrote on Thursday, June 04, 2009:

Hopefully they get it right with Firefox 3.5!  Due to be released soon.