Over the past week have been trying to meet the requirements of a client document requests. The biggest is that the doc needed to be viewable in the browser and be filled like the template engine that Rod built.
After much digging, found Docxpresso that is able to do the complete job using the odt file and outputing a PDF.
Working on getting a working model going then will present it for sharing.
Got the docxpresso working. Placed a link in the patient demographics and created a view of all template files.
The place holders are almost the same {{PatientName}} instead of {PatientName}. Now we can upload an odt file and get a PDF out so they can sign it on the tablets and upload it to the patient records.
Kept all the same placeholders that Rod developed also.
Are you sure CBRS_and_CM_TXPlan_and_Review_v1.odt is the required file. If so,
ERROR: query failed: SELECT field_value FROM lbf_data WHERE form_id =
Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘’ at line 1
C:\wampclient\www\ui-demo\interface\forms\custom_odt\template_fill.php at 157:sqlStatement
I guess I’m dense. I don’t see anyhing in the demo … Did I miss some previous discussion on how you create the template doc, and use it, I don’t see any examples of anything in the Donald Duck pt record. I’m interested but confused
Actually it can.
It is built around the premise that Rod started.
Look at the attached file. It shows all the place holders and you can place
them any where in the document you want data to show.
These are all of the place holders that have been created so far.
If the information is in there, it can be placed in the document.
The biggest draw to this is that it cranks out a PDF that can be
electronically signed with a tablet or the like.
I will be working a releasing the code and instruction soon.
Saw the placeholders that are going to be added to the feature. Its my kind request to consider adding the vitals, medicine dosage, medicine duration and next appointment date if possible.
For the diagnosis part, it can be pulled from the problem placeholder which you are planning to add.
For HPI and or other form specific info, will it be possible to fetch data from lbf forms. If yes, it will be the greatest addition ever and cause preparation of single page beautiful patient summary which can be handed over ti patients very very easy.
Hi Sherwin,
Thank you so much for the patch. I tested it on my test environment but after selecting the encounter and document from the list (From Template section of the patient summary screen) it says - Call front desk to have patient checked in.no encounter found for patient.
The way the code is written you have to be in an encounter. The forms are named according to the encounter. So, select an encounter first then you can select a form.