Introducing another fax option. This module will feature fax only. We partnered with to build this integration. Documo is an international company. We are going to start with the basic features of just being able to fax patient records and documents from the system. We would like feedback as to other areas to send faxes from in the system. We are trying to have the module ready for the next release 6.0.x. We will be looking for beta testers. If you would like to be a beta tester, contact me directly and let me know your interest.
On the send screen, you can select from the address book or type in the fax number if it is not in the address boot but not both. Of course, the fax number can be added to the address book later.
For the first release, we will not have the ability to port your current fax number. This will be done in the next release.
Trial 15 fax pages
Pages/mo … Cost /mo
150 … $15.50
300 … $25.50
500 … $38.50
1000 … $75.50
The count includes inbound and outbound faxes combined.