Am I missing something?

uhsarp wrote on Monday, May 23, 2011:

We’ve begun using OpenEMR an year ago at our clinic CAHEP in Denver and are in the final stages of fully using its capabilities and it’s been great. We tried to find out other OpenEMR users (Clinics etc.) who are using it so that we can share our knowledge, challenges in the transformation etc just to help each other along the way. I’ve posted multiple times in these forums requesting current OpenEMR users to come out and share their story, atleast the type of clinic, how many providers are using it, how its working out for them etc. But surprisingly no one came forward. I do understand that because of the way OpenSource software works, its not easy to estimate how many are currently using it (unlike how many are downloading it). But why is everyone so reluctant to share their story? Is it privacy or something else??

tmccormi wrote on Monday, May 23, 2011:

Not sure what the reluctance is, but  I’ll share:

MI2 has customers that are predominately Primary Care Physicians, we also have Gyn, Ortho, Podiatry, Home Health evaluation, a summer camp clinic, and billing services.  We work with a very large Opthamolgy and Optometry clinic and several special highly modified uses of OpenEMR that are not really clinical at all but in the HealthCare framework.



uhsarp wrote on Tuesday, May 24, 2011:

Thanks tony! Anybody else want to share??

zhhealthcare wrote on Tuesday, May 24, 2011:

We have about several specialties including, podiatry, surgeons, small lab, primary and pediatrics, internist, OBGYN, psychiatry, to name a few. 
I recently spoke to a doctor who implemented this in India  for homeopathy.
There are much more out there but they do not actively participate in the forums.

Thanks and regards

uhsarp wrote on Tuesday, May 24, 2011:

Thanks Shameem! I’m sure that the devs had a discussion about this and implementing a feature for letting people voluntarily submit their info to a wiki/db etc. Any input on this devs??

tmccormi wrote on Tuesday, May 24, 2011:

This from an earlier forum post:

I have created an area to start this process …


zhhealthcare wrote on Tuesday, May 24, 2011:

Where can I find information on how many downloads per week or month or year?

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2011:

Sourceforge -> Develop -> Download Stats - 996 in the last week alone….

zhhealthcare wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2011:

Who are these people??!!

uhsarp wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2011:


Is there something on the page related to OpenEMR users??

I have created an area to start this process …

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2011:

Nope.  Just downloads stats, no way to say if they installed it and are using it.  But a 900 downloads a week, even if only .01 (1%) keep it and run it that 468 new users per year.

saleemf wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2011:

Hi Uhsarp,

Just thought I would add my two cents worth here as well.

If you have read through some of the postings in this Forum you will have seen that i am moaning and groaning about the same thing.

It seems that this Forum is designed for those who are involved actively in the project and know each other.

We the VARS or whatever else we should be referred are not entitled to any real answers. What I mean by this is how to get the max benefit out of this Superbly Powerful program for our clients.

Let em give you three instances.

1) There is no real documentation anywhere about how to send email reminders for patient appointments. This is the 21st century and this sort of thing should be very simple to implement. It seems that there are several methodolgies that can be used to send emails but not even one is documented. Does that mean that one cannot send email reminders for patient appointments. If that is the case then it should say so. If it simply a case of documenting the process please send me the steps required to make this work via a recorded message and I will prepare the documentation for posting on the Forum. The same applies to sending SMS reminders. We all know that there are 101 places where you need to make certain entries but which which is which.

2. Patient Diagnosis Forms. It seems that no one has designed any specialty forms for use with OpenEMR. This I find very very very very Strange and UNBELEIVABLE. This is the most important part of any medical practice. The Doctor must keep notes on patient Diagnosis. OK. So you have developed a form after 3000 hours and do not want to share it wuth the rest of the world. That is fine. atleast document the steps that need to be taken to create a form.

Tony you say that "We work with a very large Opthamolgy and Optometry clinic ". Do they not use any image based forms or specialty forms for keeping patient Diagnosis. Is it not possible to share just one form with some Directions on how to go about making a form.

We are based in the Middle East. We have sepnt the last few months learning OpenEMR. Now we are actively marketing and are almost on the verge of completing our first install for a private clinic with 10 providers divided into four different departments. Optometrics, Dental, Laser Hair Removel and Plastic Surgery.

Unless we start documenting all the steps for DUMMIES LIKE MYSELF, the user base will never really grow, as people will start off with the product but then give up because no one can guide them on how to continue.

Go to the link that Tony has provided and you will see that there is not one single form that anyone has shared, GREAT SPIRIT GUYS.

If I and my team can be of any assistance in this regard with writing documentation, please let me know.

God Bless


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2011:


Regarding the community contribution page for forms, note it is here now (it was moved because the main download wiki page is “protected”, and it’s best to allow all wiki members to be able to modify the contrib form page):
There are forms in the openemr/contrib/forms folder.
Tony and Julia contributed a graphical form/template awhile ago (openemr/interface/forms/painmap)
Documentation on creating forms can be found here:
Along with development stuff for forms here:

My thought here is that we have tons more documentation than we had two years ago, but we obviously need more. Please feel free to document on the wiki, which, as you correctly suggest, will provide a huge benefit to new users.


tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2011:

VARS is an industry term that stands for Value Added Resellers
Thanks for moving that page, since I’m and admin, I didn’t notice no one else could get there …

tmccormi wrote on Wednesday, May 25, 2011:

  As I said, the Opthamolgist group intends to share their forms, but they only have one programmer and he’s apparently to busy doing work for the clinic to find time to share the code.  It happens.  There are tons of VARS that have done tons of forms…  They are VARS, that’s the part they consider to be the VALUE ADD, so they don’t share.   Anything I create that is worth sharing I share, but sometimes it takes more time that I have as well to package things for public consumption.   The best thing you can do is contribute documentation and forms.  I personally paid a tech writer for the Users Guides, that was not volunteer work.

uhsarp wrote on Thursday, May 26, 2011:

Thanks for the info Saleem! I did run into trouble for finding documentation on coding new forms. The documentation was actually on the WIKI but it took me a while to find it. I"m glad I bookmarked it as I couldn’t find it again after a while. We did create some behavioral forms as well and I’m open to share but I’m not sure how ( I used the LBF to create forms and I have no idea on how to extract them and share).

Also, regarding counting active users. I recommend “Registrations”. Just like when you download and install OpenOffice, it’ll show an optional registration form for users to fill out, why can’t we put up a link to register on the OpenEMR below/above the Online Support button or during the installation and the users are free to register if they wish. We can setup a privacy policy for that and the form can be maintained by OEMR foundation. This way the foundation can share the total number of users at least to who ever needs the info.