All in One Telehealth Platform -AIOTP- (OpenEMR + Jitsi)

Hi! I work as a digital health consultant at CIIPS/IECS (Center for Implementation and Innovation in Health Policies), a research and implementation team based in Argentina. We partnered with Integrando Salud for a project funded by PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) to build an open source Telehealth platform for countries from the Americas region and beyond.
We did a benchmarking on existing open source EMRs, and decided to go for OpenEMR. We used Jitsi as the videoconference solution, both as SaaS or a self-hosted installation. We developed different customisations on both ends to make them work together smoothly.
The project is hosted at:

Optionally, a help desk solution provided by the Freescout project can be used.
There are some countries already piloting the solution in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Now we are starting a new project funded by PATH to expand its capabilities, including FHIR integrations, WHO SMART Guidelines compatibility, among others.
We are also promoting its registration as a Global Good for Health.
Would love to hear your insights and, and looking forward to collaborating in different ways.
Best regards,


Then I’ll give you my opinion. Then I’ll give you my opinion. I think the project is fabulous and they have chosen the best EMR.
Luis from Argentina

Luego le dare mi opinion. Creo que el proyecto es fabuloso y han elegido el mejor EMR.
Luis desde Argentina


Great work. Congratulations!

Hola Daniel. Estoy en CABA, doy soporte a openemr desde hace mucho. Tengo desarrollos propios.

Hi! Using OpenEMR and Jitsi, we’ve created documentation in both English and Spanish. This documentation outlines the minimum requirements and provides step-by-step instructions for deploying the system. Additionally, we’ve included a user manual. I invite you to review it.

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Really… very good job. Thank you very much for sharing the code and documentation.
Realmente… muy buen trabajo. Muchas Gracias por compartir el código y la documentación.


Hi Maria,

Having been trying to deploy the system, and consistently get an error at the artisan key:generate command.

Here is the error:

root@helfie:/opt/ops/telehealth# docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate


file_put_contents(/var/www/.env): Failed to open stream: Permission denied

at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/KeyGenerateCommand.php:109
105▕ {
106▕ file_put_contents($this->laravel->environmentFilePath(), preg_replace(
107▕ $this->keyReplacementPattern(),
108▕ ‘APP_KEY=’.$key,
➜ 109▕ file_get_contents($this->laravel->environmentFilePath())
110▕ ));
111▕ }
113▕ /**

  +16 vendor frames 

17 artisan:37
Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle(Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\Component\Console\Output\ConsoleOutput))

The obvious thing is to look at permissions, but they appear to be fine. Has anyone else come across this situation, and if so, what is the remedy?

Cheers, Simon

So, I ‘found’ a solution. I used:

docker-compose exec -u root app php artisan key:generate instead of docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate

The next problem I came across was that my DB password included a #.

Need to contain password with " " if it contains a #

Hi Maria,

A user manual is mentioned in your post - can you point to it’s location?

Cheers, Simon

Hi Simon!
Thanks for your interest in the AIOTP solution!
I realized that the User’s Manual is only in Spanish so far. We will work in its translation and will let you know when available.
Thanks again!

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated. Spanish is fine, easily translated on the fly, and the manual answered a lot of my questions.

And I just noticed instructions for a non-docker install. Made my day!
Great work and congratulations to your team.

Cheers, Simon

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I’m a big proponent for Jitsi. I incorporate the system into most of my projects!

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Great work. Congratulations!
I can help with the translation into Portuguese BR Bazil