Hi, everyone! I’m new to the group, and I’d like to thank you for inviting me here. I’m really curious, especially as a beginner without any prior knowledge in programming or development.
I was wondering if there’s a guide we can follow—from installation to the steps needed to make a project accessible live—so we can start testing without worrying about whether everything was installed correctly.
I’d greatly appreciate it if someone could share guidance on what to do after installation, such as setting up SSL certification, domain installation, or any other helpful instructions. This would be incredibly valuable not just for me but for others in the community as well.
Hi @Geekoyz
Welcome to the community!
Yes, indeed, instructions are available, and being one of the best maintained FOSS projects on the internet, they are openly available to everybody. And being FOSS, basically everything about OpenEMR is available online though you might have to put out some effort to discover it.
The OpenEMR git-hub repo, its wiki and this forum have everything ever coded, written or asked, respectively, about this project.
Here’s a forum search to get you started in your quest:
Don’t worry, though, you are definitely not being left hanging out on your own. The community is always happy to answer specific questions on this forum about your issues with OpenEMR.
Good luck and see you around the forum!
Best- Harley