Advice needed: Should I upgrade my aws EC2 instance from ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS to 18.04.2 LTS?

I installed the package maintainer’s version of grub, and my restart went smoothly. However, I like your “better approach” above and will use this in the future.

Thank you!!

That’s because your system now knows who is boss and would not dare but be on it’s best behavior! :slight_smile:

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I stand on the shoulders and backs of millions who prepared the way for me to be able to have such a fast and smooth upgrade! Thank you.


Sorry for the delay. I just confirmed that upgrade from 16 to 18 to 20 works perfectly fine on Express. You may safely accept all defaults; if the upgrade won’t kick into gear, make sure to apply apt-get dist-upgrade first.

I wasn’t able to test all functionality – I assumed that if enough of the environment was functioning to log in, that everything else could be later remedied.


Thank you very much for the response and taking the time to do this!