blankev wrote on Wednesday, September 05, 2012:
Dear al,
as a non programmer I like to use CSV file import for most of my tables for different local OEMR. In standard tables I EMPY the table an Import the CSV file of choise from an earlier backup. Always skipping the first line with field-names.
But this time in the heat of the upgrade, I forgot to handle the USER table with special care and EMPTIED the table and immediately was thrown out. Nice thing for protection against hackers, but with disastrous results for the LOGIN screen. For me it was impossible to correct and impossible for me to recover anything. I could find the table through WEBMin in the appliance, but could not enter the relevant fields in the table.
Did a new install and hope to remember the culprit for the future. Lost another day due to stupity and not thinking before hitting the GO button.
Is there a way to restore the admin user if all users with administration rights are deleted?
TNX, Pimm