Administration | Rules , after creating new rule is there any possible delete?

I created the new rules at Administration | Rules section , but there is no delete option,how to delete created rule

siva shankar.G

Have you tried the below option?

  1. Go to Administration->Lists
  2. Search for Clinical rule in drop down.
  3. All the rules will be displayed. Inactive the rule that you wish to delete.


thanx for replay,

eventhough i inactive the rules , it shows their Rule ID numbers in Administration | Rules

Could you please try by modifying the below code?

  1. File Name : interface/super/rules/include/ui.php
    Under the function getLabel, comment the line return $value.

function getLabel($value, $list_id){
// Don’t disturb any existing codes.
// return $value;

  1. File Name : interface/super/rules/controllers/browse/controller.php
    Under the function _action_getrows, include the condition as highlighted below.

function _action_getrows(){
//Don’t disturb existing codes
if($title!=‘’ ){
$row = array(
“title” => $title, “type” => $type, “id” => $rowRule[‘id’]
$rows = $row;

Check and let us know if it helps.
