We used to add ICD-9 codes that we needed in Administration —> Codes. We would use the dropdown to select ICD-9 then fill in the appropriate information then click “Add as New” and it would be there.
Currently, the option to add an ICD-10 code is not there.
hi Jeff, under Admin->Lists there is a Code types category which controls whether ICD10 is manually loaded or externally through admin->other->external data loads
I went to external data loads as you suggested and updated the ICD-10 database.
After doing this, my biller/coder stated, that the specific ICD-10 code she was looking for was still not there. I see it updated to Oct 1st 2015. We need to update to Oct 1st 2016.
I went to the cms.gov website as instructed in openemr and there were several files to download:
2016 Code Descriptions in Tabular Order [ZIP, 2MB]
2016 Code Tables and Index [ZIP, 16MB]
2016 ICD-10-CM Duplicate Code Numbers [ZIP, 64KB]
2016 Addendum [PDF, 79KB]
2016 General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs) – Diagnosis Codes and Guide [ZIP, 1MB]
FY 2016 Present On Admission (POA) Exempt List (Updated 8/20/2015) [ZIP, 1MB]
2016 ICD-10-CM Guidelines [PDF, 1MB]
2016 Reimbursement Mappings – Diagnosis Codes and Guides [ZIP, 449KB]
I downloaded the 2016-CM-Code-Tables-and-Index.zip file and placed as directed by openemr:
“2. Place the downloaded ICD 10 database zip files into the following directory: contrib/icd10”
When I went back to the external data page I got this error: