Adding a second Address List to Demographics in Add Patient form

Using OpenEMR 7.0.2

Admin > Forms > Layouts > Demographics

After renaming the GUARDIAN group to FAMILY CIRCLE and moving it up to place it below the CONTACT group, I have been trying unsuccessfully to add a new field ‘Address List’ to this FAMILY CIRCLE group, similar to what is at the bottom of the CONTACT group.

After adding new field to the form, and saving changes, the new field is always showing with
UOR value is ‘UNUSED’ instead of ‘OPTIONAL’,
‘OPTIONS’ field selections are cleared,
Label Cols and Data Cols field values are set to 0
and the ‘Additional Addresses’ feature does not show on the ADD PATIENT form.

Any help or suggestions would be most welcome.

Thank you.

hi bahman,
thanks for this query -

i have tried to reproduce your problem, but not been able to. Please could you send us more details, maybe a screen shot of how you set up the new field? - where does the ‘UNUSED’ value display - is this in the layout editor ? I’m not sure i understand how you ‘cleared’ the ‘OPTIONS’ field selection?

what ID value do you give to your new field?

When i add a new address list field it does show in the add patient form, and when i come back to the form editor the field is showing as ‘optional’

i look forward to more information

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for the reply.

Admin > Forms > Layouts > Demographics (layout editor)

The group labeled GUARDIAN has been renamed FAMILY CIRCLE

I’m trying to add an Address List type question to this group (last row, order 120)


After I save changes, this is what it looks like

Search or Add Patient form looks the same, not showing the additional field

The purpose of all this is to have an additional family circle addresses option available to the Family Circle group, similar to what there is under the CONTACT group

Hope this is a bit more clear.

Thanks for your help.

thank you for the extra information, i can see what you describe is happening. I’m afraid i haven’t been able to reproduce the error - i’m running on linux systems.

maybe the next thing is to look in the php logs to see if any errors are being reported?