Add users directly in SQL


I’m setting up an emergy EMR for the covid-patients.
I need to add many users. I thought to be smart and was going to write directly in the mysql-DB.
I do an insert into ‘users’, ‘users_secure’ and ‘gacl_aor’.
I made my own salt and blowfish password for each user, based on the code of the openemr-project.
But… it doesn’t work when I do a login (No valid username or pass).
I guess still a problem with the acl? in which table should I add something else? Or another problem?
(No problems with creating blowfish hash or salt when testing manually).

Many thanks!

INSERT INTO users ( id , username , password , authorized , info , source , fname , mname , lname , suffix , federaltaxid , federaldrugid , upin , facility , facility_id , see_auth , active , npi , title , specialty , billname , email , email_direct , url , assistant , organization , valedictory , street , streetb , city , state , zip , street2 , streetb2 , city2 , state2 , zip2 , phone , fax , phonew1 , phonew2 , phonecell , notes , cal_ui , taxonomy , calendar , abook_type , pwd_expiration_date , pwd_history1 , pwd_history2 , default_warehouse , irnpool , state_license_number , weno_prov_id , newcrop_user_role , cpoe , physician_type , main_menu_role , patient_menu_role ) VALUES (‘15’, 'drtesttest, ‘NoLongerUsed’, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, ‘Test’, NULL, ‘Test’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘Triage’, ‘3’, ‘3’, ‘1’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘’, ‘’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,‘058513923’, NULL, ‘0496522965’, NULL, ‘1’, ‘207Q00000X’, ‘0’, ‘’, ‘0000-00-00’, NULL, NULL, ‘’, ‘’,‘1-33293-82-004’, NULL, ‘erxdoctor’, NULL, ‘specialized_physician’, ‘standard’, ‘standard’);
NSERT INTO users_secure ( id , username , password , salt , last_update , password_history1 , salt_history1 , password_history2 , salt_history2 , last_challenge_response , login_work_area , login_fail_counter ) VALUES (‘15’, ‘drtesttest’, ‘$2a$05$jL0PXMHMVh1ThoEkufanxOETYC.JUpw9AW5nyXDBXxxeHyJXnQinS’, ‘$2a$05$jL0PXMHMVh1ThoEkufanxV$’, current_timestamp(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘0’);
INSERT INTO gacl_aro ( id , section_value , value , order_value , name , hidden ) VALUES (15, ‘users’, ‘drtesttest’, 10, ‘Test Test’, 0);

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Hi Pieter, that is a really interesting question.

If I recall correctly there are some length and complexity requirements for a username and password. The username and password might also need to be different. “Password does not meet minimum requirements and should contain at least each of the following items: A number, a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a special character (not a letter or number).”

When I use the add user prompt you need to be logged in as an admin and type your admin password. Maybe try setting the authorized value to 1 and see what happens? Also the calendar field you may want to set to 1 as well.

A good place to start might be to look into /openemr/interface/usergroup/usergroup_admin_add.php for clues.

It takes me to user_info_ajax.php. Which appears to call a function from $library/authentication/password_change.php"

Which led me to open file openemr/library/authentication/common_operations.php

So maybe try comparing the initializePassword function in it.

If you look at login_operations.php when login fails it generates several “newEvent” options. Can you check the logs?

Nevermind on the authorized value. I’m able to login without it.

After a new user added this way isn’t able to log in can you check the logs table in the database? When I type an incorrect password intentionally I see the below under the comments column: failure: user password incorrect where is the IP address I’m attempting to log in from.

A successful login looks like:
|19|2020-03-30 06:33:07|login|login|admin|Default|success:|NULL|NULL|1|NULL|NULL|open-emr|NULL|NULL|

Hi Rachel
Thx for the responses!
This is in the log:
failure: ( user not in group: Default
So, in which table do I need to a change? I can’t figure it out at the moment.

Problem solved.
You need to add a row into tables

Thx for the support!

$sqlusers .= “INSERT INTO users (id, username, password, authorized, info, source, fname, mname, lname, suffix, federaltaxid, federaldrugid, upin, facility, facility_id, see_auth, active, npi, title, specialty, billname, email, email_direct, url, assistant, organization, valedictory, street, streetb, city, state, zip, street2, streetb2, city2, state2, zip2, phone, fax, phonew1, phonew2, phonecell, notes, cal_ui, taxonomy, calendar, abook_type, pwd_expiration_date, pwd_history1, pwd_history2, default_warehouse, irnpool, state_license_number, weno_prov_id, newcrop_user_role, cpoe, physician_type, main_menu_role, patient_menu_role) VALUES (”.$id.", ‘".$ar[$i]->{‘username’}."’, ‘NoLongerUsed’, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, ‘".$ar[$i]->{‘fname’}."’, NULL, ‘".$ar[$i]->{‘lname’}."’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘".$ar[$i]->{‘facility’}."’, ‘".$ar[$i]->{‘facility_id’}."’, ‘3’, ‘1’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘".$ar[$i]->{‘email’}."’, ‘".$ar[$i]->{‘email’}."’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,‘0".$ar[$i]->{‘phonew1’}."’, NULL, ‘0".$ar[$i]->{‘phone’}."’, NULL, ‘1’, ‘207Q00000X’, ‘0’, ‘’, ‘0000-00-00’, NULL, NULL, ‘’, ‘’,’".$ar[$i]->{‘state_license_number’}."’, NULL, ‘erxdoctor’, NULL, ‘specialized_physician’, ‘standard’, ‘standard’);

$sqlpass .= "INSERT INTO `users_secure` (`id`, `username`, `password`, `salt`, `last_update`, `password_history1`, `salt_history1`, `password_history2`, `salt_history2`, `last_challenge_response`, `login_work_area`, `login_fail_counter`) VALUES (".$id.", '".$ar[$i]->{'username'}."', '".crypt($ar[$i]->{'password'},$salt[$i])."', '".$salt[$i]."', current_timestamp(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '0');

$sqlacl .= "INSERT INTO `gacl_aro` (`id`, `section_value`, `value`, `order_value`, `name`, `hidden`) VALUES (".$id.", 'users', '".$ar[$i]->{'username'}."', 10, '".$ar[$i]->{'fname'}." ".$ar[$i]->{'lname'}."', 0);

$sqlmap .="INSERT INTO `gacl_groups_aro_map` (`group_id`, `aro_id`) VALUES ('13', '".$id."');

$sqlgroup .="INSERT INTO `groups` (`id`, `name`, `user`) VALUES (NULL, 'Default', '".$ar[$i]->{'username'}."');

Great, glad you were able to get this figured out. Maybe we should consider making it easier to batch add new users. I imagine doing it one at a time can get pretty tedious.

Feel free to ping the community on slack chat if you’d like to discuss further support for batch addititions of users.

thank you for this, I was struggling with this and this post helped!

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Restting password for a user with and Administrator account