I’m setting up an emergy EMR for the covid-patients.
I need to add many users. I thought to be smart and was going to write directly in the mysql-DB.
I do an insert into ‘users’, ‘users_secure’ and ‘gacl_aor’.
I made my own salt and blowfish password for each user, based on the code of the openemr-project.
But… it doesn’t work when I do a login (No valid username or pass).
I guess still a problem with the acl? in which table should I add something else? Or another problem?
(No problems with creating blowfish hash or salt when testing manually).
Many thanks!
( id
, username
, password
, authorized
, info
, source
, fname
, mname
, lname
, suffix
, federaltaxid
, federaldrugid
, upin
, facility
, facility_id
, see_auth
, active
, npi
, title
, specialty
, billname
, email
, email_direct
, url
, assistant
, organization
, valedictory
, street
, streetb
, city
, state
, zip
, street2
, streetb2
, city2
, state2
, zip2
, phone
, fax
, phonew1
, phonew2
, phonecell
, notes
, cal_ui
, taxonomy
, calendar
, abook_type
, pwd_expiration_date
, pwd_history1
, pwd_history2
, default_warehouse
, irnpool
, state_license_number
, weno_prov_id
, newcrop_user_role
, cpoe
, physician_type
, main_menu_role
, patient_menu_role
) VALUES (‘15’, 'drtesttest, ‘NoLongerUsed’, ‘0’, NULL, NULL, ‘Test’, NULL, ‘Test’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘Triage’, ‘3’, ‘3’, ‘1’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘test@test.com’, ‘test@test.com’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,‘058513923’, NULL, ‘0496522965’, NULL, ‘1’, ‘207Q00000X’, ‘0’, ‘’, ‘0000-00-00’, NULL, NULL, ‘’, ‘’,‘1-33293-82-004’, NULL, ‘erxdoctor’, NULL, ‘specialized_physician’, ‘standard’, ‘standard’);
NSERT INTO users_secure
( id
, username
, password
, salt
, last_update
, password_history1
, salt_history1
, password_history2
, salt_history2
, last_challenge_response
, login_work_area
, login_fail_counter
) VALUES (‘15’, ‘drtesttest’, ‘$2a$05$jL0PXMHMVh1ThoEkufanxOETYC.JUpw9AW5nyXDBXxxeHyJXnQinS’, ‘$2a$05$jL0PXMHMVh1ThoEkufanxV$’, current_timestamp(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ‘0’);
INSERT INTO gacl_aro
( id
, section_value
, value
, order_value
, name
, hidden
) VALUES (15, ‘users’, ‘drtesttest’, 10, ‘Test Test’, 0);