Is there any way of adding a clinic logo to reports? I found some 10 year old threats related to this, as far as I understand some heavy customization was required for this. Does this have changed, is there a way to add a logo to (patient) reports?
Yes it’s possible to add logo in reports.
We have simple solution to display logo in PDF Reports.
In the file interface/patient_file/report/custom_report.php, include an img tag to display logo as shown below (Approx line No: 217)
echo "<img src='images/try.png '>";
Let us know if you have any clarifications.
Thanks! In this file, around line 217, I see the following code, differing a bit from your tag:
// Setup Headers and Footers for mPDF only Download
// in HTML view it’s just one line at the top of page 1
echo '<page_header style=“text-align:right;” class=“custom-tag”> ’ . xlt(“PATIENT”) . ‘:’ . text($titleres[‘lname’]) . ', ’ . text($titleres[‘fname’]) .$
echo ‘<page_footer style=“text-align:right;” class=“custom-tag”>’ . xlt(‘Generated on’) . ’ ’ . text(oeFormatShortDate()) . ’ - ’ . text($facility['name$// Use logo if it exists as 'practice_logo.gif' in the site dir // old code used the global custom dir which is no longer a valid $practice_logo = ""; $plogo = glob("$OE_SITE_DIR/images/*");// let's give the user a little say in image format. $plogo = preg_grep('~practice_logo\.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg)$~i', $plogo); if (! empty($plogo)) { $k = current(array_keys($plogo)); $practice_logo = $plogo[$k]; }
So, would I add the tag you posted in the page_header line? Or as practice_logo just below?
I guess I place the image in the same folder as this script, or does something (e.g. access rights) speaks against this?
To make it simpler, don’t make any changes in the file interface/patient_file/report/custom_report.php.
Place your image in sites/default/images/ directory. Make sure that image name should ends with “practice_logo”.
Kindly ensure that image type is “gif|png|jpg|jpeg”
Let us know if you have any clarifictaions.
Thanks, that worked great!