Been doing a quick POC to see if it would be possible with the stock docker image of OpenEMR to manually insert a Procedure / Result into a patient chart through a DB insert?
Can someone provide me what this insert may look like? Looks like the tables involved may be (Provided you’ve added your compendiums, patient, and encounter already)
I’ve had some minor luck with this - as they results show up when i try to trend them, but the ones manually entered to not appear on the ‘Patient Results’ section of Procedures drop down.
I would recommend not inserting lab results straight to the DB, instead using the mechanisms already in place to ingest an HL7 message with the results
Can you point me anywhere that explains how to do this clearly? All i have seen are generic diagrams involving Mirth but nothing that explains where an endpoint to consume messages would exist or a specification.
I’m fine with Mirth, as I am actually using that to send the data to the OpenEMR database at this point but it’s doing database writes (that’s my original question) but if there is a better way for the data to be sent into OpenEMR I’d prefer that, especially if it’s with an HL7 transaction.
Oh! Perfect. I got this working now. Lab data is coming in.
While I have you, is there something similar for patient registrations, except automatic export? Or is this something that you’d suggest I read from DB, or create a trigger on patient_data to export new patients?