ACL superuser group question

Seemingly, for the “History|Report|Documents|Transactions|…” line of links to appear across the top of the Patient Encounter Summary page (version 5.0.1) the user has to have been given the ACL privileges of “superuser”, which thereby also allows them the right to delete patient accounts, records and so forth (which is probably more than I would like them to have). My staff needs access to the Reports, Documents and Ledger functions, in particular, in order to carry out their proper functions of entering scanned documents, sending reports and dealing with ledger questions. How best is it to set this up so they have this access but not necessarily any more?

I have to retract this question. I tried a few other things and now it’s working as it should again. I just wish I remember what it was that I did that worked. If I ever get an answer I’ll post it here.

Hi @Mouse55 ,
This was a bug in 5.0.1 that was fixed with the patch (all the packages except for xampp, have been fixed so far to include this patch).

I’m using the xampp windows distro, just setting up to use openemr asap. Is there a patch I can apply to that kind of installation to get back the “History|Report|Documents|Transactions|…” links right now?

Hi @QUC ,

This is fixed in the most recent patch:
