5.0.2 batch creation

I am unable to create batches for billing using 5.0.2.
The batch file created is missing a bunch of things at first glance:

5.0.1 example:

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*3A4H *ZZ*263923727000000*190906*1239*^*00501*026129799*0*P*:~GS*HC*3A4H*263923727*20190906*1239*1*X*005010X222A1~ST*837*0001*005010X222A1~BHT*0019*00*0123*20190906*1239*CH~NM1*41*2*OCULOPLASTICS, LLC*****46*273616365~PER*IC**TE*4132764543*EM*MAGAURAN@OCULOPLASTICSLLC.COM~NM1*40*2*TRIZETTO*****46*273616365~HL*1**20*1~NM1*85*2*OCULOPLASTICS, LLC*****XX*1265742522~N3*55 ST GEORGE ROAD~N4*SPRINGFIELD*MA*011049999

5.0.2 example:

ISA****** ** *030911*1630*^*00501*00000000190906*1214*^*00501*567786483***:~GS*HC***20190906*1214*1*X*005010X222A1~ST*837*0001*005010X222A1~BHT*0019*00*5677864830001*20190906*1214*CH~NM1*41*2*OCULOPLASTICS, LLC*****46*273616365~PER*IC**TE*4132764543*EM*MAGAURAN@OCULOPLASTICSLLC.COM~NM1*40*2******46~HL*1**20*1~NM1*85*2*OCULOPLASTICS, LLC*****XX*1265742522~N3*55 ST GEORGE ROAD~N4*SPRINGFIELD*MA*011049999~

I use Trizetto as the gateway and it looks like 5.0.2 is ignoring this info?

Also, each field fails verification when looking at the “View log”.

Replacing/adding back in 5.0.1 files:

billing_process.php (commenting out csrf)

and it generates claims again.

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*3A4H *ZZ*263923727000000*190906*1254*^*00501*026129814*0*P*:~GS*HC*3A4H*263923727*20190906*1254*1*X*005010X222A1~ST*837*0001*005010X222A1~BHT*0019*00*0123*20190906*1254*CH~NM1*41*2*OCULOPLASTICS, LLC*****46*273616365~PER*IC**TE*4132764543*EM*MAGAURAN@OCULOPLASTICSLLC.COM~NM1*40*2*TRIZETTO*****46*273616365~HL*1**20*1~NM1*85*2*OCULOPLASTICS, LLC*****XX*1265742522~N3*55 ST GEORGE ROAD~N4*SPRINGFIELD*MA*011049999~REF*EI*273616365

Also, the “Mark as Cleared” pop-up doesn’t happen either yet the claim is flagged as cleared. This is working in the demo… Is there a new global or something that turned off the pop-up confirming “Marked as Cleared”?

Short answer is no. However if claim is being marked as clear anyway i’d expect an error. Any console or php?

When I intend to mark it as cleared, it gets marked but the pop-up doesn’t happen. No errors.

The Clear button won’t produce a popup but any other selection should except institutional ub04.
I tested on my windows v503 and v502 okay with both x12 file syntax and popups working but i’m concerned there’s an obscure bug preventing the confirm dialog. Any info would be helpful…

Reverting back to 5.0.2, the “Mark as Clear” works again… Pop-up is as expected.

The behavior below is very interesting and I’m not sure if this is intentional:

Validate Only: a batch file is produced, and it ignores/leaves out X12 data. This is the 5.0.2 example at the beginning of this thread.

Validate and Clear: a batch file is produced, and it includes X12 data!

So BOTH produce a batch file, but only the Validate and Clear batch file is valid - the batch file from Validate Only: is seen as corrupted by the gateway. Maybe Validate only should not be producing a batch file, but instead it should open the “log” automatically?

Confirm the PR Fixing critical issues with Fees > Batch Payments by zbig01 · Pull Request #2656 · openemr/openemr · GitHub fixes these issues.

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Too be clear the payer is ignored but I believe I fixed in first patch so, it’s coming.

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