4.2.0 (1) billing basic view on patient's main screen

vambati wrote on Monday, April 13, 2015:

Even without any cpt codes entered, the patient balance due is being totaled by multiplying the # of encounters x the copay. Then if there are no codes, the insurance balance due is the negative of that total resulting in a zero balance due.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2015:

If the 11 encounters are actual visits, what happened to all the billing details?

vambati wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2015:

I don’t even have a any billing/fee sheets for this patient, for every encounter it is taking the copy and multiplying.

vambati wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2015:

I saw a similar issue posted here


this one is 4.1.2 but now I am having the same issue in 4.2.0

vambati wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2015:

This is happening even in the openemr demo site.

teryhill wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2015:

I have just recently seen it happen on 4.1.2(7) (in the last 2 weeks) I just thought it was an fluke and that the user created the problem but when I looked at the files (data) I did not see any thing that they had done. By the time I had finished looking at the files (~20 min) it was gone.


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2015:

I was wondering why you had Stephen Waite as the Administrator. Now it’s clear.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2015:

Attachments 1 & 2 from 4.2.0 Demo as described by Venkat.

I deleted all 3 encounters for 4/13/2015 & added one for 4/14/15 with a CPT code + charge. No copay applied. See attachment 3.

But when I added the dollar sign ($) in front of the 40, everything went back to normal. See attachment 4.

For some strange reason, the lack of a dollar triggers the fact that the patient owes the copay multiplied by the number of visits.

Technically it’s correct about the patient balance & the amount owed by insurer in attachments 1 & 3, but it is a strange sight, nonetheless.