2025 ICD 10 Upgrade fails

ICD 10 Upgrade fails to complete

OpenEMR Version


Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04.5 with Maria DB

Yes - nothing relevant

Did you check the logs? Yes
Was there anything pertinent in them? Yes - Syslog contained one line
[Warning] InnoDB: Could not free any blocks in the buffer pool! 8096 blocks are in use and 0 free. Consider increasing innodb_buffer_pool_size.

Hi @hitechelp ,

That error message indicate that your “innodb_buffer_pool_size” have no more space. You need to modify your my.ini file and increase the size. The filename might not be my.ini, it could be mysqld.cnf. Mine is located at “/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf”. I think you need to have root permission. Edit the file and look for the “innodb_buffer_pool_size”. I have mine set at 1024M.


Thank you for your insight Yick.

I’m using Mariadb and the mariadb.conf.d directory has 5 different .cnf files in it but none of them have a “innodb_buffer_pool_size” statement, nor do any of the three .cnf files in the parent mysql directory, and no .ini files.

The problem I experienced resulted from a remote user who didn’t get the message to stay out of the system during the scheduled time of the ICD-10 update process. I was able to run the upgrade successfully after insuring everyone was off the system. I have now learned (the hard way) to not rely solely on the maintenance schedule and to always check the access log .