2016 and 2017 ICD10 Updates

hitechelp wrote on Monday, November 21, 2016:

Hello everyone.
It appears we’re having claims rejected due to missing/out of date ICD10 data.
I need some advice on updating these files.
We’re running Ubuntu Linux 14.04.1 and OEMR v4.2.0(3)

Our staged release window contains the following entries:

I am unable to locate updated files matching these on the CMS site.

When I click the ICD10 tab on the “External Data Loads” page the ICD10 Installation Details pop-up box has a link to CMS where one can waste hours searching without knowing for sure what we’re looking for. Is there a list of files to download? Does someone have a .zip file that is already complete? There is no help found for this beyond 4.1.2 in the wiki.

cmswest wrote on Wednesday, November 23, 2016:

please see this, 2017 icd10 external data load files by stephenwaite · Pull Request #196 · openemr/openemr · GitHub

hitechelp wrote on Monday, December 12, 2016:


My library/standard_tables_capture.inc seems quite different from your example on Git.
Your code on line #330 appears at line #322 in my version.

Is this code change compatable with 4.2.0(3) and SQL 5.5.50?

Is it as simple as dropping the four .zip files into the contrib/icd10 folder and making the changes you show on Git, or will I need to sequentially upgrade version by version to get up to 4.2.2 to do this?

We have no desire to persue MU2 (in case that makes any difference)


cmswest wrote on Monday, December 12, 2016:

hi David, you can make the change on that line in your version then.

Yes, it should be compatible.

If you would rather upgrade manually, after you copy the files you have to delete the older files in the contrib/icd10 folder. Then you’ll have to execute the sql statements. It’s probably easiest through phpmyadmin.

hitechelp wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

Stephen, thank you for the quick reply however, “should be compatable” sounds like an assumption.
I don’t wish to seem as if I’m looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I must be certain this goes well.
Review of my system files reveals I don’t have a file named “4_2_2-to-5_0_0_upgrade.sql”.
Apparently that file is part of the upgrade from 4.2.0 to 4.2.1 or perhaps 4.2.1 to 4.2.2.
The latest file on my system is" 4_1_2-to-4_2_0_upgrade.sql" SInce there is no code in that file that corresponds to your code changes on Git, that begs the question; What now?

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

hi David, please pardon the expression; the code change is compatible.

You’ll just take the sql statements

INSERT INTOsupported_external_dataloads(load_type,load_source,load_release_date,load_filename,load_checksum`) VALUES (‘ICD10’, ‘CMS’, ‘2016-10-01’, ‘2017-PCS-Long-Abbrev-Titles.zip’, ‘4669c47f6a9ca34bf4c14d7f93b37993’);

INSERT INTO supported_external_dataloads (load_type, load_source, load_release_date, load_filename, load_checksum) VALUES (‘ICD10’, ‘CMS’, ‘2016-10-01’, ‘2017-GEM-DC.zip’, ‘5a0affdc77a152e6971781233ee969c1’);

INSERT INTO supported_external_dataloads (load_type, load_source, load_release_date, load_filename, load_checksum) VALUES (‘ICD10’, ‘CMS’, ‘2016-10-01’, ‘2017-ICD10-Code-Descriptions.zip’, ‘ed9c159cb4ac4ae4f145062e15f83291’);

INSERT INTO supported_external_dataloads (load_type, load_source, load_release_date, load_filename, load_checksum) VALUES (‘ICD10’, ‘CMS’, ‘2016-10-01’, ‘2017-GEM-PCS.zip’, ‘a4e08b08fb9a53c81385867c82aa8a9e’);

and run them in phpmyadmin after you select the database, like in the attached

hitechelp wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

Stephen, you are awesome. We’re golden here. Much appreciated.

Thanks again,

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

way to go! you’re welcome, glad to help, original author of external dataloads, * @author (Mac) Kevin McAloon mcaloon@patienthealthcareanalytics.com, contributed much to the ease of bringing these in every year

hitechelp wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

We’ve lost ICD10 diagnosis code search capability in our fee sheets!
Yikes, now we can’t bill all! Help


On Dec 13, 2016 1:05 PM, “Stephen Waite” cmswest@users.sf.net wrote:

way to go! you’re welcome, glad to help, original author of external
dataloads, * @author (Mac) Kevin McAloon mcaloon@
patienthealthcareanalytics.com, contributed much to the ease of bringing
these in every year

2016 and 2017 ICD10 Updates

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hitechelp wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

Spoke too soon!
Searching for ICD10 codes in the fee sheet returns nothing.


On Dec 13, 2016 1:05 PM, “Stephen Waite” cmswest@users.sf.net wrote:

way to go! you’re welcome, glad to help, original author of external
dataloads, * @author (Mac) Kevin McAloon mcaloon@
patienthealthcareanalytics.com, contributed much to the ease of bringing
these in every year

2016 and 2017 ICD10 Updates

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cmswest wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

ok, no worries, did you make the code change?

from this

 -	    if (!stripos($filename, ".txt") || stripos($filename,"diff")) { 

to this

 +	    if (!stripos($filename, ".txt") || stripos($filename,"diff") || stripos($filename, "addenda")) { 

hitechelp wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

No, I only ran the sql queries you sent.
Then went to the External Data Load page and updated.

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

oh, make the code change, empty the icd10_dx_order_code table under Operations in phpmyadmin and rerun the external data load,

hitechelp wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

Just the code change in library/standard_tables_capture.inc or also the database.sql code change?

cmswest wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:


hitechelp wrote on Tuesday, December 13, 2016:

Ok made the code change to library/standard_tables_capture.inc then emptied (truncated) the icd10_dx_order_code table using Operations in phpmyadmin but The External Data Load page still shows The installed version and the staged files are the same so it won’t allow me to rerun.

cmswest wrote on Wednesday, December 14, 2016:

ok, remove the relevant icd10 entries in table: standardized_tables_track

hitechelp wrote on Wednesday, December 14, 2016:

Thanks Stephen, I shall resume this endeavor tomorrow morning.


On Dec 13, 2016 7:41 PM, “Stephen Waite” cmswest@users.sf.net wrote:

ok, remove the relevant icd10 entries in table:

2016 and 2017 ICD10 Updates

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hitechelp wrote on Wednesday, December 14, 2016:

Clearing the icd10 entries in the standardized_tables_track table gave me an error on the External Data Load page that the staged files were invalid but, the answer was in the hover prompt (rerun the SQL Statements to re-populate the supported_external_dataloads table.) After that, the Update ran succesfully and it tested ok (fee sheet search for icd10 diagnostic codes is working now!)

Thanks a ton Stephen, and hats off to Kevin McAloon mcaloon@patienthealthcareanalytics.com, for making this critcally important function exceptionally user friendly. I suspect I would have had no problems if my system was at 4.2.2

It’s a good thing to have confidence in your ability to restore a backup, but a better thing to not have to.


cmswest wrote on Wednesday, December 14, 2016:

you’re welcome David

yes, the upgrade scripts would have handled this more gracefully, keep your eyes peeled for OpenEMR v5.0 coming soon!