Zentyal 3.0?

michaelke wrote on Friday, July 11, 2014:

Hey Guys,

Anyone use Zentyal 3.0 or some other linux based business server/exchange server combo? I am looking at finding a solution other than Microsoft Server Essentials (as SBS has become obsolete). If not, I will be running some tests in the near future and will report results/findings to the group.

mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, July 30, 2014:

We have used Zentyal in few places. What we have not tried is integrating accounts with OpenEMR. It would be cool if the accounts, messages and reminders can be handled by a better engine.

pfindan wrote on Wednesday, July 30, 2014:

We use Zentyal as our domain controller, but host OpenEMR on a separate server, as I have found that the community version of zentyal breaks every now and then…

michaelke wrote on Tuesday, August 19, 2014:

Thanks guys for the feedback. I am still searching for the best possible server solution (cost/maintenance)… It is easy for me to host OpenEMR separate from the domain controller so I may give that configuration a go. I am open to suggestions. My tests will begin first week of September.