Xlink with medisoft/lytec

sankar1234 wrote on Monday, May 22, 2006:

any efforts/discussions done on integrating openemr/MM with these billing packages?  Anyone knows how to contact these companies to openup their gateway for integration?  We just need the demographic to stream to OPenEMR and coding from EMR to billing application, a bi-directional pipe.

The reason I ask is: More existing practices would love the EMR modules, but don’t want to throw away their current billing application.


okhra wrote on Monday, May 22, 2006:

This bidirectional pipe is hard to achieve for the very reason that it is proprietary. The situation is somewhat similar to getting drivers for some harwares, to work under linux.

The only stream available is ascii hcfa stream or hipaa 837 streams.

braman at world dot std dot com.

physmed wrote on Wednesday, May 24, 2006:

At the very least would it be feasable to port the patient account files over to openemr so that we don’t have to re-do all of that input? Lytec used the Btrieve database engine prior to their XP version, then they used the Pervasive SQL database engine prior to their 2005 version which switched over to Microsoft’s SQL database engine if that’s any help.