XAMPP package

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2011:

I’ve been unable to get a hold of Chris Lucena at EHRLive (I’ve only tried email). They have graciously donated the OpenEMR-XAMPP package in the past, but we may need to begin considering other avenues for producing this package.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, April 15, 2011:

Any ideas? The XAMPP package is generally our most popular download (by far).

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:


I will look into NullSoft Installer and see what I can do.

Which is the current best XAMPP version?

Sam Bowen, MD

duhsty wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:

We tried using the newest XAMPP for Windows (v1.7.4) , and found that “session.use_only_cookies = 1” needed to be commented out in addition to the documented settings.

Otherwise, what works for new install of 4.0 in XAMPP (in Windows - is that heretical?) is just:
1. executing the available XAMPP package now on the openemr download page,
2. using either MYSQL Monitor from windows command line or the phpMyadmin in the XAMPP package, delete the openemr database created inside MYSQL by the 3.2 install process.
3. delete or rename the ‘openemr’ folder inside htdocs
4.download, unzip OpenEMR 4.0 software from openemr download site.
5. rename the folder from OpenEMR_4.0 to openemr
6. move the entire newly renamed  openemr folder to htdocs/  (where the old openemr file was)
7. starting openemr using the OpenEMR3.2 shortcut on the desktop (‘http://localhost\openemr’)
8. step 7 starts the setup.php program, when prompted select  ‘create new database’.
9. unzipping the patch and moving files to specified folders.

this process works, but not as easy as before!  Thanks everyone for the hard work to get 4.0 certified!
Dusty Knobel

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:


Recommend xampp 1.7.3 for now (although duhsty describes a method to get 1.7.4 to work, this needs more confirmatory testing before putting it in production).

Also, ensure you have the following php settings:

And ensure you add the latest patch:

thanks for offering to do this,

uhsarp wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:

Since XAMPP can be setup to work in a mobile environment, I suggest that we setup a default installation of OpenEMR (with all the changes to the php.in etc), complete the db install etc, test its security and supply the installation as a zip/gzip folder. Users just download it, extract it, make changes to the db names (if they want to) and start using it.

I can do this but someone needs to test it for security and any bugs associated with xampp for production use.

mukoya wrote on Tuesday, April 19, 2011:

As acknowledged on the XAMPP site, this package is put together for convenience and ease of installation and there is no emphasis on security.

Issues include: Unrestricted access to Xampp control panel from any browser with needed address, No password set for mysql root user etc.

Some of these issues can be fixed by browsing to http://Host/xampp. This will present a control panel to manage some of these security issues.

If it is not possible to require user to set up the required passwords and other security issues during install (eg in the method suggested by uhsarp) then it might be helpful to include in the installation guide a word about security and directions on how to address the issue. This could include directing the client to the xampp control panel security page.

As for XAMPP version, I agree with brady that 1.7.3 works best with OEMR 4.0.

jason0 wrote on Monday, May 23, 2011:

Hi Brady, et al,

I am actually installing a customer on xampp.  I can look carefully at the setups and make security related suggestions soon.
