saikensf wrote on Wednesday, June 23, 2010:
Aye that on the simple. We just did it. It adds a little layer of annoyance for patching but, eh.
Now to move on to a problem that may not have a simple answer. This is the results of my focus groupy training sessions with volunteer doctors filtered through us talking to decide how best to address user complaints about left navigation. We though we’d tackle it first as the right side of the screen has the 2-pane vs 1 pane question and that will be more contentious I think.
But alas requests for the left nav spill over to the right in places. Ahh well.
#1 - Combine Calender and Messages link into a new item called “Home”.
Provide a combination of the two pages in question in either the top and bottom frame or spaced out in a single view on the right when clicked. Have it be the default page when logging in and basically be a familiar, secure, starting point for practitioners.
#2 Patient/Client
- - Remove the subfolder ‘Management’ and move its contents up a level.
- - Split New/Search into two menu items, New and Search. Produce a new page for the search directive that is more oriented to that task. Strip the search functionality out of the new Page.
- - Remove the ‘Current’ link entirely. This should be omnipresent either loose in the left nav or in the top bar. And instead of saying ‘Current’ it should name the active patient and be clickable to move to the patient management screen.
- - Rename ‘New Visit’ in the ‘Visits’ folder to ‘Create Visit’ or ‘Create New Visit’.
- - Rename ‘List’ in the Visits folder to ‘Visit History’. ( yes it will still show current/future visits, but even though list was a submenu under ‘Visit’ a remarkable number of people didn’t immediately assume it was a list of visits ).
Now for the Chart Tracker … can someone tell me what it is intended to be used for? Is this a killer feature, or a dusty add on? The point of OpenEMR is to get away from paper charts, no? Does it make sense being under visits? Should it be inside the encounter screen instead?
- - Change folder name, ‘Visit Forms’ to just ‘Forms’. Apparently the descriptor implied that there were different kinds of forms or something somewhere else and caused people to go looking for the non-visit forms instead of looking to activate additional forms. I’m a little fuzzy on the reasoning here cause I wasn’t there for that one.
Optional Add on:
- - Remove the early escape for ‘English’ from the translator and make it attempt to look those strings up under lang_code 1. If something is found, use it. Then the changes that are just labeling could be configured per install without adding a new language ( English ( your clinic ) ).
If we submitted a patch doing this would it be accepted?
Hoping this is agreeable because if this is contentious our proposals for improving workflow on the right side of the screen are gunna be tough to agree on.