For example nurse takes vitals an nurse practitioner see the patient and documents notes and physician see the patient and reviews nurse practitioner notes and finalizes and signs, then no one can modify the encounter, and notes, they can do addendum to the notes. Are there any plans to have this kind of work flow in openemr?
We have developed task-driven and document-driven workflow engines for several clients. There is not likely to be one “silver bullet” solution because workflows vary so greatly between offices.
This is a simple feature that is not really workflow related. And most commercial EMRs have this feature.
By labeling it workflow, I think you may mislead some people about your post. Workflow has much more complexity than what you described.
It really is about signing notes to lock them so that they cannot be modified later (or at least without a special override). And, about sending notes for co-signature. This is really a feature that “should” be included in OpenEMR.
I know that ZH Healthcare has also included this feature in their hosted version of OpenEMR.
Can one of the people that created this feature for their clients also contribute it to the OpenEMR codebase? It would be best to include it with an option to be turned on or off.
How do people feel about this feature? Do people agree that it is a needed feature?
Mi-squared has had the code for a base class to do this posted for months now.
It’s one my github as branch esign-class.
What is needed is to decide how it should be used. We implement it in each form that the customer wants the feature on. One way might be to create tool to select a form that needs to be signed from the “outside” so that it would work on any form. The esign class is designed for that sort of thing.