WinXP Installation: parse error

drex5 wrote on Tuesday, July 01, 2008:

I’ve put the unzipped openemr 2.8.3 folder (renamed openemr) into the www folder of an existing wamp, and have edited openemr/interface/globals.php:
$webserver_root = “C:/wamp/www/openemr”;

http://localhost/openemr/setup.php gives me:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 415

I’m sure this is a basic problem - I can’t find anything wrong in setup.php, although the indenting is inconsistent so it’s hard to be sure. Line 415 is the end of the file.

Can anyone help a novice :)? Thank you.

drex5 wrote on Tuesday, July 01, 2008:

Ah. The thing uses both short and normal open tags for some reason.

in wamp, PHP - PHP settings - short open tag.

couldn’t that possible setting error be trapped?

drbowen wrote on Tuesday, July 01, 2008:

This is best solved by using uniform tags to avoid this problem.  OpenEMR has a lot of code.  The last time we counted there was well over 500,000 lines.

We have been asking all of the developers to use the long form:



But it takes a while to get everything converted.

Sam Bowen, MD