guides from wiki showing upgrade 3.1 to 3.2 then to 4.0 then 4.1; we follow, but still can not get it to work; is there a way to do upgrade from 3.1 to 4.1 directly? really appreciated. sincerely.
The 3.2 to 4.0 is the vital upgrade (since the directory structure is changing):
/openemr/documents (MOVE TO) => openemr/sites/default/documents
/openemr/edi (MOVE TO) => openemr/sites/default/edi
/openemr/era (MOVE TO) => openemr/sites/default/era
/openemr/custom/letter_templates (MOVE TO) => openemr/sites/default/letter_templates
Following the steps in 3.2 to 4.0 (but ensure put 3.1 in sql_upgrade script) and jumping straight from 3.1 to 4.1 should work. Of course, try it on a testing instance first.
Hi Brady,
I feel so frustrated after sending days still can not get it to work. Could someone or you please help us with more specific instruction better than that of the wiki? so we started at 3.1 then move the openemr directory to a back up; from there on the steps were never success. we lost all the data afterward then had to redo the process again; sincerely thankful and awaiting your info.
more lost information; in the process, we did notice the files in openemr/documents, edi, era, custom/letter_templates are what to be copied over, but we lost user signin, custom SOAP, ICD, CPT etc.
Can you provide more details about how you upgraded (just list out the steps you did).
Also, it sounds like you have customized the source code (custom SOAP) or is the a LBF within the database. I say this because an upgrade will replace the sourcecode with the standard source, however all database stuff will stay intact(LBF forms), codes (ICD9/CPT) etc.
then we did from3.2 to 4.0 then 4.0 to 4.1; im sorry, but perhaps we didnt get the steps right but;
1. copy the openemr 3.1 folder to another folder as backup; download and install 3.2; copy from 3.1 openemr/documents; edi; era; custom/letter_template
then follow all the steps from wiki:
5. Record the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file variables from your old 3.1.0 version, and type these into the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file in new openemr version
6. In the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file, set the $config variable (found near bottom of file within bunch of slashes) to 1 ($config = 1;).
7. Open openemr/sql_upgrade.php (http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php) in web browser, choose 3.1.0 and click ‘Upgrade Database’
8. Open openemr/acl_upgrade.php (http://localhost/openemr/acl_upgrade.php) in web browser
I suggest trying to upgrade from 3.1.0 to 4.1.0 in one swoop.
Try following (suggest testing this on a testing instance of your installation first):
1. Move current(3.1.0) /openemr directory to a backup directory
2. Unpackage 4.1.0 openemr into web directory and rename the directory to openemr
3. Move following directories from old 3.1.0 version to /openemr directory:
/openemr/documents (MOVE TO) => openemr/sites/default/documents
/openemr/edi (MOVE TO) => openemr/sites/default/edi
/openemr/era (MOVE TO) => openemr/sites/default/era
/openemr/custom/letter_templates (MOVE TO) => openemr/sites/default/letter_templates
4. Record the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file variables from your old 3.1.0 version, and type these into the openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php file in new openemr version
5. In the openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php file, set the $config variable (found near bottom of file within bunch of slashes) to 1 ($config = 1;).
6. Open openemr/sql_upgrade.php (http://localhost/openemr/sql_upgrade.php) in web browser, choose 3.1.0 and click ‘Upgrade Database’
7. Open openemr/acl_upgrade.php (http://localhost/openemr/acl_upgrade.php) in web browser
8. Configure optional settings in openemr/sites/default/config.php files
NOTE that globals settings (that used to be stored within the interface/globals.php file) are now modified within the OpenEMR menu at Administration=>Globals.
Hi Brady,
Thank you for your contribution and assistance. We do truly thankful for your patience and expertise. We finally got the upgrade up and running on a test server.