Windows to Ubuntu migration

tsvas wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

Can you provide me steps to migrate OpenEMR from Windows to Ubuntu server. Thank you.

tsvas wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

I migrated the server. I can’t open the documents. They are giving error:

The requested document is not present at the expected location on the filesystem or there are not sufficient permissions to access it. C:/xampp/htdocs/openemr/sites/default/documents/3146\xxxx.pdf

How do I replace C:/xampp/htdocs with /var/www/…?

teryhill wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

that information will need to be changed in the documents table. Administation > other > database


blankev wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

It depends on waht Ubuntu system you did install. fsgl will come to help! Mint7 and Ubuntu etc are all just a bit different.

In my XAMPP it is as follows:


Is the same as in Ubuntu and.or Mint7:


or var/www/html/openemr/sites/default/documents

And there might be a storage issue to be found in the Database…

If everything else fails do a fresh INSTALL in Ubuntu and find the Documents folder. In OpenEMR and in the DATABASE and make both the same. After that do a import of the Export sql file. But this is a Backup issue and there has been a lot of forum discussions on that topic.

tsvas wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

Terry, which table has configuration information?

Thanks Pieter, I will update to var/www/html/openemr/sites/default/documents. But, where to change?

blankev wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

I looked at your Path and there is a forward slash at the end. If my memory is correct, this is OK in windows, but need to be corrected in UBUNTU.

In UBUNTU they ALL might have to be forward slashes, or all backward. It was some days ago I was experimenting with Mint7. Also in UBUNTU everything is case sensitive. If there is a capital in the document or path, there has to be a capital in the software program or path, etc.

tsvas wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

Where to change?

teryhill wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

there is no configuration table for documents that I am aware of. You select the document to upload from where ever it is and the software places it in the documents folder under openemr. The program that controls the placement of the file should be C_Document.class.php. But no changes should be necessary

fsgl wrote on Monday, August 18, 2014:

Copy the openemr web directory from Windows, using right click or Command Prompt.

Follow this post to copy and replace the openemr web directory on the new install. The thread also gives instruction about database transfer.

If Ubuntu 14.04 has been installed, the openemr folder is now in var/www/html. It needs to be moved out of the html folder to just var/www.