Windows Server 2012 Essentials

jkshla wrote on Monday, April 22, 2013:

Has anyone done an install on this newest version of Windows Server? Were any significant issues encountered? Thanks

robyn03 wrote on Monday, April 22, 2013:

No installation problems, but does not work with xamp have to be installed in wamp. Operating at 100% for me.First install the stable version and then updates.

jkshla wrote on Monday, April 22, 2013:

Thanks. What version of Wamp did you use and what add ons(SQL,apache,php). If below 2.0 have you upgraded? Also, you are referring to openemr 4.1.1 as the stable version?

robyn03 wrote on Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

First create a folder named WAMP on C:; manually install the following programs by changing the directory to point to the folder wamp:
Apache 2.2.22 win 32 binary
PHP 5.4 for Windows
MySQL 5.6 (Windows Essentials (x86) )
I repeat, everything must be installed in C:\WAMP
After installation put the extracted file of openemr 4.1.1 in C:\wamp\apacheā€¦\htdocs
Start the installation of openemr.
Perform all configurations of the program and then apply the upgrades.
That is all

robyn03 wrote on Tuesday, April 23, 2013:

For your information, I have tried in every way to install OpenEMR with XAMPP in windows 2012 essentials, does not work in any way, the firewall blocks the ports and constantly accesses. The only way to now that I see working, and in my opinion much more stable, it is precisely the separate installation procedure of the various modules apache, php and mysql in a folder in the root of C: