cverk wrote on Sunday, July 29, 2012:
Here is another idea I came across for windows users.
Windows mesh can be used as a free program to connect remotely to your office. I am using a windows 7 pro computer with raid drives as my office server, and this allows you to basically capture the desktop of that computer remotely. The directions are pretty easy to follow and it works pretty well to allow you to access files from basically anywhere. It runs pretty fast even from a remote netbook, because it uses the processing power of the office computer, not the connecting computer. Anything you could do working on that computer, you can basically do remotely over SSL. So far, I have written progress and call notes, updated problem lists, sent prescriptions through allscripts using firefox and the greesemonkey interface script, entered an encounter and sent the billing to OfficeAlly,imported outside patient notes as PDF’s from fax to e-mail with onesuite and gmail to which I added an electronic signature using paperport, and added appointments to my schedule all remotely, with automated backup to Amazon cloud S3 as I previously outlined.