Window Title

pfwilliams wrote on Tuesday, December 18, 2012:

I’ve been using a little front-end launcher program for OpenEMR for a while that works fairly well. 
I shrank down you Caduceus logo as an icon for the program (although technically the Staff of Asclepius with only one snake is the correct symbology for medicine, i.e. the AMA logo).  Launched normally, it loads the production OpenEMR login page. If the ESC key is held down when launched, it pops up a menu asking if you want to connect to the pProduction database, connect to the test database, or rebuild the test database form the production version. All that works fine, but the other thing I do causes a minor issue.  After launching Internet Explorer, I’m using the IWebBrowser2 interface to clear the addressbar, menubar and toolbar properties.  Hiding those toolbars adds some “real estate” allowing more data to fit in the OpenEMR window without scrolling. It also gives OpenEMR more of an “application” look, rather than looking like a webpage.

What’s odd is, every page loaded after hiding the toolbars will display extra text as the window title.
They all show "http://openemr/?auth=login&site=default - " followed by the string that would normally be the window title.
Is that text being inserted intentionally for some reason? Or would this be considered (a minor, aestetic) bug?  Or is what I’m doing, disabling toolbars, considered outside the realm of normal user behavior and therefore there is not a bug?
Thank you.