I question Jit’s explanation of the purpose of Description, that OpenEMR can find the data? One can have a number of Subjective NationNotes. What would differentiate one from another in that case? What is the purpose of ID(?) then?
Just looked at the Demographics layout and form in the Demo and indeed the entry in Description functions as a tooltip as noted in your Wiki article, Pimm.
Made a bunch of NationNotes with nothing in Description and the forms were fine. See section 10.1.2 for the layout. The only time I used Description was for Static Texts.
Because Jit is not a clinician, using the buttons for punctuation is probably just a didactic tool. A better use of the buttons in Ophthalmology would be OD, OS, OU (right eye, left eye, both eyes) or symbols or abbreviations that a practitioner uses frequently and that a button would save keystrokes.
With the exception of the blurb about Description, it is still a well constructed video with great closeups.
Have you figured out how to order the Components? It is not alphabetical nor sequential. Not very scientific to say this, but Layout Based Visit Forms are at times “wilful”.
I wonder if it is “a blurb” in the video. I don’t have time at the moment, but it seems that Description behaves in a manner that might change with the kind of Datatype or List used.
naming it willful might be correct, until we now the exact functions hidden in LBVF. Step by step NationNotes get more and better description and hidden problems when understood become nice extra’s contextName=Subjective. Does this “=” really call the Subjective part of the Other Table with Subjective…
If I understand your question correctly, fsgl, I made a bunch of Components (the “macro” text content created for a NationNotes Category) and found that they are placed in the customlists table in the order they are created, per the autoincrementing value of the cl_list_slno column… which basically restates the content of the attached graphic in case it’s too small to see.
My guess is that the only thing between the customlists table and the GUI display of the Components would be the java code telling the NationNotes WYSIWYG editor GUI how to order stuff it fetches from the table. I don’t know java or where the code is located but does that sound reasonable?
And of course, this doesn’t relate to how LBV forms handle the Description.
Using your example, if I entered the Components in this order: 0, 1, 5, a, c and add e; e may end up as first or last and the rest of the Components may or may not maintain the original order. It would be nice if some sort of order exists to facilitate quick location of the Component while the user writes the clinical note. But this is far from being a deal breaker.
I would suggest ignoring Jit’s advisory about Description for the time being.
Hi Pimm,
If you are pressed for time, the Description thing starts at 3:15 on the video and runs only for 5 seconds. Let us know what you think when you find the time.
With the preloaded Layout Based Visit Forms in each copy of OpenEMR, Description functions as a tooltip for the various Data Types. Just construct a quick NationNote in the Dev. Demo per Jit’s advisory and no hover over or anything discernable.
If an image which requires no alteration; after uploading, the image can be copied and pasted from Documents without deploying another external application.
Nn-17-selDel.png is a bit small for us old timers to read. Please enlarge.
I tried to create a .sql file of the Ophthalmic Comprehensive Exam form for non-typists for other users to import. Because the Components are stored in customlists, I wonder why nearly all the Components were lost in creating the export file. This was the case because when import was attempted on the Demo’s, all but 1 Component made it into the newly imported form. I have just started to putter about in Database and it never occurred to me to check the tables before export.
Hi fsgl- thanks for the compliment and the observations. I’ve re-uploaded a larger version of Nn-17 and added the steps to get a pic from Documents into the NN.
I’m a little concerned about my writing, though. I don’t know OpenEMR’s user base so I can’t tell if the instructions are too complicated for most peoples’ needs. Is the vocabulary too obscure? It’s a chronic problem of mine that I write like I’m tryng to be the next Charles Dickens.
The writing style is nearly perfect. We are writing for the DIY crowd and they don’t need to be spoon-fed in regards to the technical aspects. In terms of vocabulary or literary references, those aspects should be equally important as pedagogy.
Our junior colleagues may be quite brilliant in their mastery of computer science but much less so in the Humanities. I, in half jest, observed that the main reason that I don’t understand computer-speak is because the young folks were never taught their Latin and Greek.
Boz is my favorite author as well and I cannot think of a higher aspiration. Not too crazy about his behavior toward Catherine Hogarth, however. Great men have clay feet.
We hope that you continue to be as productive while juggling the course work.
Thanks, it’s good to know the writing’s ok. Amusing to think that in addition to teaching OpemEMR tricks there’s a subliminal literacy lesson going on. Maybe I should set the font on all my stuff to longhand script?
I won’t be AS productive during the school year, but I hope to keep kicking in little bits here and there. The advisor promises our Sr year will be busy.
Do you think it’d be taken amiss if I simply added screenshots to others’ work, the CAMOS material, for example? The writing seems pretty good. Or just stick with separate “Sample…” pages?
IMHO, screenshots even the simple ones are great extras. One picture often shows more than many words…, I would say put the screen shots in between or make an link to a specialized screenshot department.
Screenshots are great. Also, please always feel free to improve/modify the wiki pages I’ve authored(ie. no need to request permission).
-brady OpenEMR
Wow! While that’s high praise, I’m not sure anybody other than Isaac Asimov could approach El Jefe’s level of output, and I heard a rumor that Asomov had 14 clones of himself all writing simultaneously.
School starts the 30th so I will be reprioritizing my energies and OpenEMR will drop a few positions. But I’ll still be lurking in the forum.
AAAHHHHH, right, “Phiz”. It’s true, I do have a cartoonish streak. And what do you know, “Nemo” even shares two of its letters with one of my pseudonyms-- now THAT’s a coincidence!
Thank you for removing the make-over of the Pharmacy article from my to-do list.
Very nice.
V4a had asked about a quick reference to the cost of a pharmaceutical while still in the module. I suggested tacking on the price in the NDC box during setup. Please consider inserting this into your article.
On a different topic, I am beginning to ramp up for school but can you think of any other pages I might put on my own to-do list for when I do have time? I haven’t yet been able to look over the whole OpenEMR project for ideas.
I have not yet learn to read the codes for the patient statement. I had planned to write an article about editing it. It’s found in sites\default\statements.inc.php. Despite Rod’s observation that simple editing is straightward, I did not find this to be the case, being a non-techie.
Instructions needed for the following:
How to remove the credit card information if a practice does not accept same.
How to change the service and billing addresses.
How to add the name of the physician and his NPI number.
How to add the ICD codes after the CPT codes.
How to have the amount due appear under the Remit To address.
How to add dunning messages.
How to add different dunning messages on a schedule. After 30 day, a mild message. After 60 days, something stronger. After 90 days, the possibility of collection.
I took the liberty of inserting the little tidbit into your article. I tried to use one of your uploaded images for illustration, but could not find anything suitable. The image I inserted is a bit out of place, so feel free to replace it with a screenshot that is more consistent with the theme of your form.
I know that you will be swamped therefore it is not necessary to post a reply.