When displaying past appointments on the patient screen how do you reverse the order

teryhill wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

In the patient screen when you turn on the option to display past appointments is there a way to reverse the order that it is displayed in?


fsgl wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

It’s convenient to have new visits on top because those charges are usually outstanding.

Can you find anything to change in /interface/main/main_screen.php?

teryhill wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

I found it in interface/patient_file/summary/demographics.php. I am working on changing the order. I sent you a message thru here but I don’t guess you got it.

fsgl wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

Once you’ve changed the order, do let us know what line to change and how.

I don’t understand the question you asked in the email. If it’s a solo practice with only one physician, all the defaults will be either that one location or that one physician. You will need to rephrase the question.

teryhill wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

the following changes need to be made in interface/patient_file/summary/demographics.php

1280 "ORDER BY e.pc_eventDate , e.pc_startTime DESC " . Is like this it needs to be

1280 "ORDER BY e.pc_eventDate DESC, e.pc_startTime DESC " .

1286 $widgetTitle = xl(“Past Appoinments”); and just for fun lets correct this

1286 $widgetTitle = xl(“Past Appointments”);

That it


fsgl wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

Isn’t it grand when you find out that you had the answer in the palm of your hand all along?

Thanks for posting the answer.

Amazing that a typo can be forgiven but not an extra space in a script.

blankev wrote on Friday, July 18, 2014:

This brings back the days when Basic was the programmers Language. Many mistakes I made and could not find the difference between a “.” and a “,” or “” or " " (the no space and the yes a space headaches)

Poor me, took me minutes to find the “t”