What is the mechanism of the button "Save and Transmit"?

weiyufang wrote on Wednesday, February 24, 2016:

When I create a medical checking order for a patient, I need to save it and transmit it to a laboratory, so What is the mechanism of the button “Save and Transmit” in the picture ? How to connect a lab?
Thanks a lot!!!

weiyufang wrote on Wednesday, February 24, 2016:

this is the picture:

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, February 24, 2016:

A user will need professional support to configure Procedures to work with an external lab.

Certified Contributors.

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, February 24, 2016:

It will generate and send the HL7 for the order according to the protocol that you specified in Procedures -> Providers. This will require that your lab is willing to use the interface, and if OpenEMR is new to them then a developer will probably need to be involved to get their compendium into your system.


weiyufang wrote on Thursday, February 25, 2016:

OK,thank you for your help! I have some understanding of the mechanism. But can you recommend me an open source Lab using HL7 ??