What are the Deprecated UI elements?

saikensf wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

Tony mentioned that all the css stylesheets except sky blue didn’t really work and could be removed, allowing us to focus on sky blue for UI overhauling. 

What else can be deprecated? 

For example the dutch versions of files … are those remnants of a bygone, pre-translator, era that can be sent on to their well deserved rest?

And is any layout concurrently supported except ‘2’?


saikensf wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

The disable calendar global looks droppable … it does suppress some things but if you enable ‘disable calendar’, log out, and log back in … you are looking at a calendar.  So it don’t work.  And if it doesn’t work and nobody is complaining then - I bet - nobody is using it.


tmccormi wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

The ‘Original’ Top layout and the “radio button” layouts are incomplete and do not line up with the Tree Menu anymore, either descriptively or ins some cases there is stuff missing on one side or the other.

There is a group:  Phillip Gallego, - AdminHealth  That is actively working on styling for the GUI in 4.0, they have posted about in in the past including mock-ups and a copy of their 3.2 version.

That’s what I know …

saikensf wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

I should probably consolidate this but I’m asking as I find it. 

It looks like the global ‘athletics team’ is gone.  Meaning all the code like this:


will never foo and foo is dead.

tmccormi wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

If Disable calendar is broken, it needs to be fixed… It is used by several practices that do not need or want the calendar.  Please submit a bug on that to Tracker


saikensf wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

Thanks Tony =)

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

athletic_team is far from gone, its features are actively being used and improved.

The radio button style layout is still relevant, and to the degree that it’s broken in 4.0 it will need to be fixed.  I don’t know if anyone still wants the “original” layout, definitely need to do some asking around before dropping it.

I think Brady has already stripped out most of the Dutch stuff.  Are you looking at 3.2?  You want to be reviewing and testing the 4.0 (tip) branch when considering future development.  3.2 is released.


saikensf wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

I’m caught in the middle because 3_2 is stable and 4.0 isn’t.  So we have a demo site up in 3_2 that acs is evaluating and requesting changes.  We’ve shown them stuff in 4.0 because we want them to request changes that are going in the direction that 4.0 is going. 

If they go live with us, they want to go live in another month and a half.  4.0 won’t be ready by then.  So I’m looking at bastardizing my 3_2 code by selectively back porting 4.0 elements into it as well as doing new dev that I want to forward port into 4.0 to get them what they want, minimize the transition to 4.0 when 4.0 is ready, and keep them from losing anything they asked for when 4.0 comes out.

I see where athletic’s team is coming in now.  I did ‘select * from globals where gl_name like ‘%athletic%’’ and it wasn’t in the table at all … but it is listed under the special use code.

saikensf wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

And you are looking at a calendar on login in both 3_2 and 4_0 after disabling the calendar.  The link in the leftnav is gone but that is your homepage on login so there it is.

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

Maybe we need a 3.3 development branch with a planned release in about 2 months.  Actually this could be a continuation of the current 3.2 branch, and we would first set a tag to reflect the current state of 3.2.



bradymiller wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

Seems like would be wasted resource on release/maintenance etc. the 3.2 patch mechanism is doing a good job getting bugs and features into 3.2. We should shoot for a 4.0 release on 9/1/2010; in couple weeks could go to 4.1. The thing that is really gonna hold back this release is the gui, which is now inconsistent, buggy and the moduls are unusable on large screens. Hopefully can get the MU stuff that is now being reviewed in their. Realistically other MU stuff will take months, so no point holding 4.0 for that long.
just my thoughts,

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

Well then the revised GUI is gonna have to either poop or get off the pot.  I’d suggest giving it 2 weeks, then revert unless it’s mostly fixed by then.


saikensf wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

Revert …. that implies that some of it is already checked in … ?

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, June 24, 2010:

Yeah, that’s the issue.


blankev wrote on Friday, June 25, 2010:

Is it possible to get Administration Globals change insitd OpenEMR into the 3.3 version. Would be great new feature.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, June 25, 2010:

It seems like Phillip Gallego’s group has stalled out; ie that mock up was months ago and no activity since. Your gui will likely be the 4.0, but I’m concerned that your’s has also stalled out; the initial commits were many months ago, and there have only been several bug fixes since. We agreed to your initial gui commits, because we were under the belief that your group would finish the project (ie. at least make it up to production standard; not asking for perfection). The major issues are bug fixes (see artifacts assigned to Aron), modul use (the fixed size of these are very limiting for some of the information), and the inconsistent flow. W need to just straighten these issues out or likely need to consider a reversion for the release.

I think we’re considering just jumping to 4.0 release in several months, but still not decided.

In interface/globals.php:

// Option to set the top default window. By default, it is set
// to the calendar screen. The starting directory is
// interface/main/ , hence:
//    The calendar screen is 'main_info.php' .
//    The patient search/add screen is '../new/new.php' .
$GLOBALS['default_top_pane'] = 'main_info.php';

This will direct what is shown in the initial top pane on login. So if you disable calendar, and modify this, then shouldn’t be able to get to the calendar anymore. PErhaps the Disable Calendar option should be re-labeled to disable calendar links in the Administraiton->Global in 4.0 .

Rod et al,
All dutch stuff shoould be gone in the cvs (4.0) version. Let me know if you find any dutch specific code still.


atlanticcan wrote on Friday, June 25, 2010:

Did Phillip Gallego ever post his CSS code? He hasn’t had any forum activity in 2 months

tmccormi wrote on Friday, June 25, 2010:

1 - Philip told me about two weeks ago that they are working on the CSS for 4.0 and would have it in a couple of more weeks.  However that is just sugar on the UI not functional changes so not a show stopper

2 - John Whitehurst and his team are working on getting the all the rest of the relevant popups converted to modals and the modals made to be movable.  We could use some more help here.  Are there any other UI developers out there beside Aron?

3 - I discussed having the look at making the modals re-sizable at he same time, but I don’t think they have decided on good method for that yet.  A little research is needed to find the right code for the FancyBox in JQuery

4 - The facilities bug will get fixed this weekend, that the only open bug right now,. The others where left open to get some QA from you guys before we claimed them fixed.

5 - Any remaining “inconsistencies” that are being alluded to need to be specifically spelled out so someone knows what to fix or enhance.

I have a list of my own from recent customer installs, QA etc.  I have posted a few of them, related to the procedure SQL error, ACL errors,

Frankly, except for the new procedures stuff and the new messages area both of which may be almost working but are not documented as to how they are supposed to work, I think 4.0 is pretty stable.



atlanticcan wrote on Friday, June 25, 2010:

What about Philip’s v3.2 CSS code? I showed a doctor I am working with screenshots of Philip’s work and he liked it. Since version 4.0 won’t be available for a couple months I’d like to get a copy of the code - doctors like sugar.


tmccormi wrote on Friday, June 25, 2010:

I just talked to Philip … expect to see a post from him very shortly on the topic …

- your friendly volunteer coordinator,