I already have a practice management system that takes care of my patient, cases, scheduling, and most importantly the billing. It does not however have the ability to handle electronic documents. So I was thinking of using OpenEMR soley for the document management capabilities to hopefully greatly reduce the number of paper charts we currently have.
Any suggestions for this, or is there a better solution if that’s all I want?
Dunno. You can certainly do that but it’s generally more efficient to integrate document management with everything else. A primary reason to use OpenEMR is that it’s open source and so does not lock you in to something whose future is at the mercy of others. What practice management system are you using?
We’ve been using Medisoft for years, are very familiar with it, it does a great job with everything I mentioned above, except for the document management (EMR/EHR). Yes, they do have an EMR/EHR system as well, but it’s $25,000 or so.
We use an electronic billing service that takes care of Tricare, Medicaid, BCBS, etc all from within Medisoft, that works great, so wouldn’t be sure about switching to something else.
We just helped a Clinic with more than 10000 patient’s records to migrate from Medisoft to OpenEMR successfully and the system is running very efficiently. We had to transfer all records related to around to be precise 11286 patients, customize forms, customize billing etc.
You will love oprnEMR when you realize the freedom you have not depending on Medisoft people. The client had been with Medsoft for more than 12 years……
Have to throw my own “OpenEMR success story” into the mix: 5 docs, 2 locations, 7500 patient records migrated from Medisoft to OpenEMR. Not a problem at all and they are tickled pink to be out from under Medisoft. Had some form customization and other setup stuff to do but it went REALLY smoothly.