Vital signs, body mass index, and growth charts (MU2) - Development (Non-optional items) Complete

jansta23 wrote on Saturday, February 08, 2014:

Development efforts for this requirement, except growth chart has been completed except.

Please find the code in the following commit:

Branch: mu2-vitals

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, February 09, 2014:

Hi Jan,

Nicely done. I brought in your commit into the official codebase:

And I added on a commit after this with some minor translation fixes:

Also updated the MU2 cert wiki stuff and will see if Visolve can test it now.


drkay wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:


Kevin Yeh developed growth charts with calculations of percentiles, etc., for us. I don’t think he’s had aa chance to submit it yet. Just so you’re aware that the code is out there to hopefully prevent duplication of efforts.

bradymiller wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

Hi DrKay,

Kevin’s work shouldn’t be duplicating anything on MU2, since it was opted not to do any work on the growth charts (it was optional and was only related to allowing other ages besides 2-20 to have growth charts). Looking forward to seeing Kevin’s stuff.

Here’s the related MU2 item wiki page:,_body_mass_index,_and_growth_charts_(MU2)


yehster wrote on Friday, March 21, 2014:

The work Dr. Kay is referring to technically does impact “Growth Charts” (graphical display). It is all numerical analysis to compute percentiles using WHO and CDC data. It is not related to the linked MU requirement.