zhhealthcare wrote on Friday, August 27, 2010:
Issue Explained
We want to compare details of 2 patients.
Searched the first patient and saw his/her details.
In browser chrome opened new tab and copied the url from the first tab.
Searched the second patient and saw his/her details.
Now comming to the first patient,if we press the first patient’s name in the top frame, the second patient’s details is showed instead of the first one’s.
Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer behaves similarly.
In Internet Explorer the new window is not comming with data first time, but on refreshing it shows data.
If we pass the pids from the top frame the issue can be avoided.Presently session value is getting use.
Actually the code to receive the passed value ie $_GET is already written in the demographics.php page and the session is set there.
Checking need to be done to ensure that similar cases are not unattended.