"Veiw log" in billing manag

nursejeff wrote on Thursday, September 22, 2011:

Whenever we wish to view the log of claims we are wishing to submit.  We click on the claims and click on  in the Billing Manager.  A new window opens but there is nothing withing that new window. 

My billing personnel need that report to be sure the correct claim is being filed.  Can someone tell me why I do not get the report I need.

Thanks for any help.


kevmccor wrote on Tuesday, September 27, 2011:

We have the same problem

tsvas wrote on Tuesday, September 27, 2011:

It was reported as a bug from V4.0

In the URL, change php extension to log.   For example change from http://<name of server>/openemr/library/freeb/process_bills.php to http://<name of server>/openemr/library/freeb/process_bills.log.

kevmccor wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2011:

For OpenEMR 4.0.0 - The file that needs to be edited is:


on or about line 490

<a href ‘…/…/library/freeb/process_bills.php’ target=_‘blank’ class=‘link_submit’


<a href ‘…/…/library/freeb/process_bills.log’ target=_‘blank’ class=‘link_submit’

That seems to work for me on the first try

kevmccor wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2011:

My quotes are misplaced in the quoted part: - target=’_blank’   not    _‘blank’

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, September 29, 2011:

Hi kevmccor,

I committed this fix to the codebase and will include it in the next 4.1 patch (likely will go out in a week or two).

thanks for the contribution,