V3.1.0 new install. can not login

lp7703 wrote on Monday, December 28, 2009:

I just installed v3.1.0 and its patch. When I go to the address, the login frame is there, however, when I login as admin/pass the screen flashes three frames ( I think with blank data ) and then returns to the login screen. Looking in the log table, the following is found:
|  1 | 2009-12-28 15:46:12 | login | admin | Default   | success: | NULL       |

|  2 | 2009-12-28 15:46:12 | login | NULL  | NULL      | insufficient data sent | NULL       |

The login screen is pretty, but since I can’t get passed it, not very useful :wink:

Running on Linux/Redhat EL5 with their standard apache/php/mysql. All up to date.

Also, in the php.errors file I get several lines like:

PHP Warning:  Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated; If you would like to pass it by reference, modify the declaration of ().  If you would like to enable call-time pass-by-reference, you can set allow_call_time_pass_reference to true in your INI file in /www/openemr/library/freeb/xmlrpcs.inc on line 538

Any thoughts?


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, December 29, 2009:


The log warning is benign. Something else is going on.

To further troubleshoot (in order):

1) Ensure you have correct php config (php.ini) settings,  for recommended php settings. If change settings, then restart your apache server

2) Delete browser cookies and try again. If possible, try another browser.

3) If still not working, then post your browser(and version), mysql and php versions. Also consider posting your sql-mode setting from your mysql configuration (my.cnf) file.


  : http://www.openmedsoftware.org/wiki/FAQ#What_are_the_correct_PHP_settings_.28can_be_found_in_the_php.ini_file.29_.3F

lp7703 wrote on Tuesday, December 29, 2009:

Good Morning Brady,

Thanks for the reply. 

- Php setting are as advised.<ul>
- short\_open_tag = On
- max\_execution_time = 60
- max\_input_time = 90
- memory_limit = 128M
- register_globals = Off
- display_errors = Off
- log_errors = On
- register_globals = Off
- post\_max_size = 30M
- magic\_quotes_gpc = On
- file_uploads = On
- upload\_tmp_dir = /www/openemr/tmp
- upload\_max_filesize = 32M
- error_reporting  =  E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
- allow\_call\_time\_pass_reference = True ; ( does not work, but I was hopeful! )</ul>
- I was using FF on my Redhat box. Deleted the cache, no change, still didn’t work!<ul>
- I went to my Xp-Pro box and used both IE8 and FF, no change,still didn’t work!
- Cleared cache, same results
- Cleared cookies, same results</ul>
- Versions  in use: <ul>
- Redhat Enterprise 5.1
- MySQL 5.0.22-2.2.el5_1.1
- PHP 5.2.6
- Apache 2.2.3
- Firefox 3.5.6 on RHEL5
- Firefox 3.5.5 on XP-Pro
- IE8 8.0.6001.18702 on XP-Pro</ul></ul></ul><br><br>
One of the things that creating this email forced me to do was to take a close look at my config files, of all kinds. I just found it hard to believe that this application works on hundreds, if not thousands, of systems, but not on mine! I noticed that session.use_cookies in php.ini was set to zero! <b>Turning it to one allows the application to work as advertised.</b> Now, I just have to figure out how to make all of my other web sites work with cookies instead of session files!
Thank you for your help! Now, I can get to the business of seeing what makes it tick!
Len Parker