Using openEMR as a teaching tool. got?

anonymous wrote on Tuesday, August 14, 2012:


I’m planning to use opeEMR as a teaching tool to teach about EMRs and I have a few questions.

1) How do I enable the admin option for so we can admin MySQL db from openEMR?
2) I know openEMR is a certified EMR and as such it has support for CQM. I’m having trouble locating some of the fields for CQM reporting. For instance, where would I enter the smoking status or immunization status in a patient chart.
3) What is the best way to load patient demographics and chart into openEMR. Is there an import option and if so what format does it expect.


juggernautsei wrote on Friday, August 17, 2012:

Hi Fred,

1) The admin option is enabled by default when you run the setup. The admin information is configured during setup and you choose the initial admin name and password. The other accounts are set according to the pre defined areas of work.

2) CQM has two locations that you can change settings. Global setting are under Administration > Alerts. Individual settings are under (first select a patient) then click on Edit Clinical Reminders. You will be able to click on the admin tab to change the setting for that patient.

3) You can upload patient demographics directly to the database using the sql format. I would suggest if you are not familar with SQL files to input one patient manually then select export function in the patient table.


anonymous wrote on Monday, August 27, 2012:

Thanks Sherwin.

In regards to my second question. Where would a clinician enter information like smoking status or immunization. On what screen can I find these fields.


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 29, 2012:


Smoking is at Patient Summary Screen->History(link at top left)->Lifestyle->Edit
Immunization is near bottom right of the PAtietn Summary Screen.

For basic functionality instructions, check out the User Guide:
