Hi @LMoonsammy , it’s the file library/classes/Provider.class.php, if you follow the above link and change that line to
$sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->_table . " " . $sort;
it would list every user who has a username on that page. Or you can go into the db which takes some expertise to individually authorize a certain user.
I did what you said but Users still showed up in Administration → Practice → Practice Settings → Insurance Numbers and in Providers under the Calendar.
Or is this how it is supposed to work? If so how do I create create users who are not providers (doctors)?
We have different people who will use OpenEMR:
Business managers
IT persons.
Now we don’t want all these persons listed under the calendar as providers except the doctors. And we don’t also want them to show up in Insurance numbers.
You see whenever I add a user he shows up under the Calendar and in insunance numbers. This is my problem.
Are you able to uncheck the provider/calendar box? You should be able to remove the check mark.
In the demo, this is what I see upon clicking the add new user button (ie the + sign in the Admin → Users screen):
These users in the clinic need to log on to OpenEMR. This includes doctors, nurses, receptionist, office manager or IT. So when I add these users they show up as providers under Calendar.
This is what Sephen suggested:
"[edit] the file library/classes/Provider.class.php, … change that line to
$sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $this->_table . " " . $sort;
it would list every user who has a username on that page. Or you can go into the db which takes some expertise to individually authorize a certain user."
So I went to the Users Table in the OpenEMR database and edited each user “authorized” from 1 to 0.
So now I can uncheck Provider and the users don’t show under Calendar. But the users I add still show up under Insurance Numbers though.
I’m not sure what you mean by “under insurance numbers”. If you post images, perhaps I can understand what you mean by insurance numbers.
What I recommend, is that you try out one of the demos. Add users of all types and check or uncheck the boxes you want. The demos reset nightly, but at least you can see what the users turn out to be.
Don’t forget about the user privileges at the bottom left.