donelewis wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2013:
User/pwd for patient portal, where do we assign those?
donelewis wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2013:
User/pwd for patient portal, where do we assign those?
robertrambo wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2013:
In the patient tab you select it patient >choices >allow patient portal
robertrambo wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2013:
Setup smtp server with encryption
It sends a email to user with passwords of course these are to be auto assigned and random with a reset password option
donelewis wrote on Thursday, February 07, 2013:
donelewis wrote on Friday, February 08, 2013:
I didnt get the email. Can you tell me where the passwords are stored, managed?
robertrambo wrote on Friday, February 08, 2013:
log in type a patient name in search then on top you should see a patient portal button assuming the value in adimn settings is turned to on. Thats where you change passwords usernames
robertrambo wrote on Friday, February 08, 2013:
Also make sure your the test patient and have entered a valid email address for yourself
donelewis wrote on Saturday, February 09, 2013:
OK got that to work. Can I learn the table where the passwords are stored? I might try to make it easier to work with. Is patient allowed to alter their password?
robertrambo wrote on Saturday, February 09, 2013:
Passwords should be accessed in mysql changed by patients when they login if I remember correctly! Good Luck