Hello. I am experimenting with OpenEMR 4.2. Under Demographics, Who, are 4 fields listed as “User defined:”.
Do those fields have any connection to the user defined lists that I can edit under Administration?
I’d like to define a few drop-down choices to some of those fields. Is that possible?
Where do “user defined lists” fit into the OpenEMR schema?
Thanks in advance.
We can map “user defined fields” in patient Demographics with “user defined lists” in Administration.
Steps to be follow:
1.Goto Administartion => layouts from left nav menu.
2. Select “Demographics” from “Edit Layout”
3. Under “Who” tab change the “datatype” of “User defined” field as “Listbox” which is initially set as “Text box”.
4. Click on “Save changes” . Only after the save “list” field will be enabled in layout.
5. Click on the "list " field which is enabled in the user defined field row.
6. It will display the active lists in openemr where you can select any list which you want to map with the particular user defined field.
7. Click on “save changes” to reflect these changes in demographics page.
Also you can add , edit/update the lists in openemr under Administration->lists from left menu.
This list can be mapped with any field in layouts.