User account login issues

anonymous wrote on Thursday, July 05, 2012:

User account login issues
I have encountered two issues with specific user logins.
The first issue: is one were a specific user is unable to log in even with a password reset by an admin user. However they are able to log in once the password is reset by editing the password field in the database.   The first issue only occurs with providers. 
Issue two: specific user logins cannot log in with specific web browsers and/or computers. For example one user could not log in with Internet explorer but could with fire fox and chrome. Another user opening the same web browsers on the same windows login could only login with Fire Fox. A third user could use Internet explorer, fire fox and chrome.  I originally thought it was the security settings in the web browsers until I was able to login without changing anything other then which another user account is logging in.  This issue also occurred on creating another server with the only thing moved over was the database and uploaded user files.  The issue is intermittent.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, July 07, 2012:

Hi Ryan,

In Adminsitration->Globals->Features, do you have ‘Remember Selected Facility’ toggled on. This involves setting a cookie, which is the only thing I can think of that would explain all the odd behavior. If experiencing error and then have browser remove cookies, does this then work?
