Usage Statistics

nthurman wrote on Friday, December 11, 2009:

Does anyone know where I could get an estimate on the number of OpenEMR deployments?  

usersfirst wrote on Thursday, December 31, 2009:

I would be interested to know if there are more detailed answers in addition to this also. 

Best regards!
Pete Gordon

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, December 31, 2009:


This is very tough to figure out because of the nature of this project; we don’t ask for registration and the software is free. That information I placed in the wiki is likely an underestimation since we are only including the deployments that we estimate exist with high confidence. A known number is the number of downloads, which is about 100 times per day; again, though, can’t estimate how many users end up using it.


nthurman wrote on Thursday, December 31, 2009:

It might be nice to add a feature (I know there is already a lot of the list)  to track the package usage like they do with Debian.   It is much easier in the commercial world (except you need to track unlicensed copies).   I wanted to use the information to help convince potential users to adopt an open source package.   It would also be useful when trying to get regional funding to support deployments.
