URL glitch in Debian package installer

penguin8r wrote on Thursday, November 17, 2011:

hey, just thought I’d point out, if you install the current OpenEMR 4.1 .deb package, the program shortcut for OpenEMR that it adds to the menu points to “http://localhost/openemr-git”, when it should be “http://localhost/openemr”.
Not a big deal to fix for us, but for someone who’s new to OpenEMR or Linux, it could be quite confusing.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, November 19, 2011:


Thanks for posting this bug. I just fixed it in the codebase, however it won’t go out until the next OpenEMR release. Because of this, I modified the installation/upgrade instructions for this package to minimize this bug as much as possible:

After the next OpenEMR release, will revert above instructions again to use the Menu item. If somebody has a quick way to fix the link in ubuntu, then can place a link to these instructions in the FAQ section of the User Manual:
