Urgent pl- on creating encounter getting Query error (Not on test install)

Urgent pl- on creating encounter getting Query error (Not on test install)
Have to refresh the page and reopen software then the changes show up.

Twice i created new encounters and got stuck on submitting with this error.
refreshing the changes or what ever i entered are there.
But still the error scares as it is not my test install.

What is in your error log? Go to Admin Config Logging section and set User Debugging Options to all.
Did you check your browser console log to see if there are any errors there? Without error messages. It is nearly impossible to guess what is wrong.

This looks like a session timeout may be happening if problem occurs after no activity for a length of time.
If you can’t recreate on demo farm rec look at any custom code you may have created.

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Thanks @sjpadgett , @juggernautsei , shall try again and see.