Uploading Medical Records Error

octort wrote on Thursday, August 04, 2011:

Sometimes when I am uploading PDF documents I am not able to load them. I select a patient, click Documents, Medical Record, and then I browse for the scanned file and click Upload; I wait for bit and nothing happens, any ideas? this doesn’t happen all the time.


octort wrote on Friday, August 05, 2011:

I am using oemr 4.0 hosted online. If I upload a file smaller than 10MB I get no issues but if I download a file bigger than 10MB I just don’t get anything loaded. Any ideas? thanks

jcahn2 wrote on Friday, August 05, 2011:

Ahoy Octort,
Your files are too big.  Try a lower scanning resolution and avoid color and grayscale when possible.  A 10MB pdf holds a lot of stuff.  And 100 of those (?one week’s worth is a GB or 50GB a year, etc, etc).  Your host is going to raise your rate.   I think your browser may have a setting for maximum file upload size (like maybe 10MB).  I think it’s at the browser address “about:config” in firefox.   Or it could be a limit set by your host.   Hope that helps.
Jack Cahn MD
OEMR Board

acmoore wrote on Friday, August 05, 2011:

You may be limited by size in a few places. One is the php.ini configuration file. Another is via the Apache LimitRequestBody directive in your apache configuration directive.

Is there anything in your apache error log that may help track this down?

Is this the same problem you reported here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr/forums/forum/202506/topic/4640247

Andrew Moore