aethelwulffe wrote on Wednesday, February 16, 2011:
I don’t know if there is a more automated way, but here is what I would do:
0. Shut down your servers and xampp_control completely.
1. Figure out where the current 4.0 version can be downloaded from. It takes me forever if I am not using a GIT client….and the file name starts out with “3.0.” which is very confusing.
2. Once you have the download, back up your entire installation (like your xampp directory).
3. Copy or move your EDI, ERA, and documents directories (at a minimum) to another location.
4. Delete your htdocs/openemr directory.
5. Unpack 4.0 into htdocs/openemr in a seemly manner. Make sure that the location does not wind up being htdocs/openemr/openemr like some folks have done.
6. 4.0 now uses a openemr directory called “sites/default” where you will now find the locations to put the contents of your old edi, era, and documents directories.
7. Start your xampp control (or whatever you use) and turn on your severs.
8. Log onto localhost/openemr. Things are pretty automated from here on out. It is helpful if you know your server passwords etc… but this should take care of your database conversion, acl, and all of that.
9. Tweak your globals in the admin tab inside the emr after logging on.
10. You might need to look at your php.ini file to turn magic quotes on. If you are unsure of what this is, just search “magic” on this forum.